Baby Carrier Benefits

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The Benefits of Using a Baby Carrier
A baby carrier comes with many added bonuses besides allowing you a more hands free approach to bonding. Baby carriers make life easier on parents and can help promote bonding. Below are some of the most beneficial reasons to use a baby carrier.
• Breastfeeding: Many moms choose to breast feed and want to have privacy to be able to do so. Many baby carriers are designed to allow your child to breastfeed discreetly. Baby carriers also give babies extra support so that mommy can still work, get her shopping done, or eat in a restaurant. It allows the baby to feel secure and close to their mother while she is still able to do other things. Many mothers have found that it makes breastfeeding easier on them …show more content…

Not every older sibling is going to be able to take care of themselves and it is important that their parents are able to help them. Using a baby sling helps to keep your newborn secure while allowing you to attend to your older children.
• Colic: There have been some indications that using a baby sling or baby carrier have decreased the chances of colic. There is no real indication to why this happens except that the baby is in closer contact with their parent and feel more secure and have less need to cry.
• The Senses: Babies come into this world as empty slates. They soak up everything they know about the world through their senses. Babies that are carried in these carriers have a more enhanced sensory experience. They are more auditory alert and have an enhanced visual perspective. It also helps with their speech and cognitive development because the baby is exposed to more conversations and experiences.
• Security: This is important for both parents and baby. The baby needs to feel secure and one of the easiest ways to do that is by being held. These baby carriers help both parents equally share the holding responsibilities. Many dads have stated that they enjoy the additional bonding they feel with their child. Baby carriers help promote the bond between parents and

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