Avicii Call To Adulthood Analysis

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Avicii’s Call to Emotion in Emerging Adulthood In the not so distant past, the bridge between adolescence and adulthood was simple and came quick—usually around the age of 21. From there, new adults would often be married, nearing parenthood, and in a fairly long-term job. However, recently, this trend has shifted greatly. The expected age of all these life events have been pushed back, at least into the late twenties. “To be a young American today is to experience both excitement and uncertainty, wide-open possibility and confusion, new freedoms and new fears” (Arnett). Increasingly often, these young people feel emotionally confused and mentally lost: they do not know which direction to take their life. However, in the midst of this uncertainty …show more content…

This idea of darkness first introduces a very key and constant idea for understanding the work. This time in a young person’s life—roughly and generally between the ages of 18 and 25—is often very confusing and unsure. This unsureness is symbolized by the darkness. To get through this darkness, the song’s protagonist—although never given a true identity, the protagonist will be from now on assumed to be Avicii, as he is the one who originally formed the world and thoughts of this character, and he is 23 years of age at the release of “Wake Me Up”—is following his heart: he is allowing his emotions to lead him through life. These lines are followed with “I can't tell where the journey will end/But I know where to start.” Avicii has not yet found himself: he is still unaware of where he will find himself after the journey of self-discovery. However, despite this unforeseeable end, he does know that he can begin to live his life now. The three lyrics “They tell me I'm too young to understand/They say I'm caught up in a dream/Well life will pass me by if I don't open up my eyes” are sung next. Avicii and the other members of his generation are constantly reminded of their lack of experience and wisdom by the generation before them. They chastise him for living life as he wishes—as if it were a dream. The elders warn that, unless he begins to …show more content…

Much like the opening, this verse attempts to show examples of how and explain why Avicii lives his young life in the way he does. It begins “I tried carrying the weight of the world/But I only have two hands.” Avicii would let all the problems of the world—everything he couldn’t control—weigh him down. But, he realized that this was a mistake. So much of what bothered him was out of his control and beyond his grasp. He decided to leave these things be. This is followed by “I hope I get the chance to travel the world/But I don't have any plans.” He does have things that he wishes to do in the future: he has goals and aspirations. However, he is going to leave these goals and aspirations for the future. He is leaving this segment of his life spontaneous and unplanned. “I wish that I could stay forever this young/Not afraid to close my eyes.” Avicii knows he cannot live this way for his entire life, which is unfortunate to him. He knows that at some point he will have to treat his life more seriously and make safer, more thought-out actions. Nevertheless, that does not have to start now. The verse ends with “Life's a game made for everyone/And love is a prize.” He sees life as something enjoyable and fun, and something that can be played and won. Love is a prize: a metric that can be used to judge whether or not you have succeeded in the game. In total, the

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