Autism In The Media Essay

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In this essay we’ll look at how Autism is portrayed in the media especially films and television and how it has impacted the way people look at autism. The biggest challenged that is faced is that Autism does not have very defined symptoms, every autistic person has different ways it affects them.
What is autism?
According to The National Autistic society, Autism can be described as a lifelong, developmental disability that affects how a person communicates with and relates to other people, and how they experience the world around them.
Autistic people see, hear and feel the world differently to other people. If you are autistic, you are autistic for life; autism is not an illness or disease …show more content…

It is very important to understand how autistic people see the world, because in most cases their perception of the world is what makes them different.
Some autistic people say the world feels overwhelming and this can cause them considerable anxiety.
In particular, understanding and relating to other people, and taking part in everyday family, school, work and social life, can be harder. Other people appear to know, intuitively, how to communicate and interact with each other; yet can also struggle to build rapport with autistic people. Autistic people may wonder why they are 'different' and feel their social differences mean people don't understand them.
Autistic people often do not 'look' disabled. Some parents of autistic children say that other people simply think their child is naughty, while adults find that they are misunderstood.
The reach of mass communication through the electronic media is mostly limited to the urban areas and to the better-off sections of the rural parts of the country. Mass communication does influence (and even reflect) social values and practices, but this influence is always in combination with a whole lot of other socio-cultural and economic and political

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