Autism Case Study Examples

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The purpose of the case study is to offer intervention strategies to assist a Caucasian student with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Karly was referred for a speech and hearing evaluation because of her communication difficulty. Karly is a sixteen-year old female. She was born three weeks premature weighing 2 lbs., 10 oz., with respiratory distress, and she had to stay in a neonatal hospital for six weeks. She is the middle child of two brothers. She began receiving intervention services at 12 months of age to address speech and language issues. When she was a toddler, she expressed herself using facial expressions, physical gestures, and more common gestures, such as pointing to request and shaking her head to refuse. She also used unusual nonverbal …show more content…

Autism Spectrum Disorder is characterized by difficulties in behavior, social interaction, and communication issues. People with Autism Spectrum Disorder may have difficulty responding to their environment. Behavior problems may occur as a result of sensitivity to sound or something they may have seen. People with Autism Spectrum Disorder may also have difficulty establishing and maintaining relationships. They may not be able to share their interests with other people because they are not able to express or understand their needs or their needs of others. Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder may withdraw into repetitive play and behavior, avoid interaction because of delay in speech, and struggle to make sense of nonverbal forms of communication. There are people with Autism Spectrum Disorder that speak fluency and there are people with speech impairment to a certain degree. However, there are some who can’t speak at all. Impaired communication is characterized by delayed language development. The different forms of spectrum disorders have many of the same symptoms but are different in severity, so it can be difficult to distinguish one disorder from the other if in the early stage. Classic autism is the most severe form of Autism Spectrum …show more content…

The Mullen Scales of Early Learning is an assessment that is based on the child 's responses to each activity prepared by the examiner. It targets the strengths and weakness in children and help to access modality performance and identifies learning ability, learning disability, and mental retardation in children between the ages of 21 and and 63 months of age. This assessment is appropriate for an autistic student because it assesses language , motor abilities and expressive levels. The ADOS is a standardized assessment for communication, social interaction, and restricted and repetitive behaviors. This assessment presents many activities that trigger behaviors that are directly related to the diagnosis of ASD. Results are obtained by observing the child’s behaviors. The information that is obtained informs the diagnosis, treatment, planning, and educational placement of the

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