Authenticity In Affirmative Culture

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In addition to it's commodification, authenticity is also indicative of the split found in affirmative culture. Affirmative culture can be defined as a bourgeois separation of the mental and spiritual world from the rest of civilization; this other world is independent and superior to civilization.40 Both concepts agree in that they do not posit a form of higher social existence or of any sense of solidarity.41 Like in affirmative culture, the subject universalized from it's social context to deal with the harshness of social relations.42 Like great bourgeois art, authenticity makes suffering eternal, universal forces; effortless resignation follows.43 There exists little distinction between looking at paintings in the Louvre and joining a suburban gardening club; both are helpful for avoiding the fact that one is a worker than must sell one's labour power.44 Authenticity represents the split between the mental world from the world of civilizaiton. …show more content…

In affirmative culture and authenticity. the individual learns to love his isolation; factual isolation is sublimated into metaphysical isolation and inner abundance substitutes for physical hardship.45 Affirmative culture prides itself by inner fulfilment in the place of outer limitations, the soul becomes the last area of refuge from attack.46 Since authenticity requires a facticity in which an entirely free self is contrasted with an entirely dynamic world, it encapsulates this inner freedom perfectly.47 Authenticity perfectly demonstrates the value of individualistic withdrawal against the reifying forces of civilization; it does not matter what occurs externally, as long as one's internal choices are "authentic". Every authentic individual exists without material or spiritual limitations; this is exactly what affirmative culture demands.48 Through it's withdrawal, authenticity encapsulates affirmative

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