Augustine Canterbury Tales Research Paper

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The Saint Augustine Canterbury
Augustine Canterbury, a Catholic monk who was born in first third of the 6th century and died probably on May 26, 604. During his life time, he did a lot of things that are helpful for the culture and enriched the history of Europe especially the Britain. Because of his great contribution, he was buried in St Augustine’s Abbey, Canterbury after his death, and then was revered as a saint. As “the apostle of the English” (Dals, Roger, 1999), he ever did great contributions to the development of Christianity and greatly influenced its later style in England. The essay is going to explain the point from three aspects.
Augustine Canterbury was the founder of the Catholic Church in England. In 595, he took a mission to England. “The mission was inspired and organized by Pope Gregory” (Alan Smith, 1978), and because of the support, the session went on successfully. Then, in 597, Augustine landed on an isle of England and proceeded to Ethelberht’s main town of Canterbury. Actually, Ethelberht married a Christian princess, which was also the foundation for Augustine Canterbury to …show more content…

It is known that the first place he arrived in England was isle. Thus, he naturally exerted influence on it. And at the beginning of its development, its style was much easier to be influenced. Besides, Augustine Canterbury was “sent to convert the descendant of those invaders in Christianity in the British Isles” (Wikipedia). Also, he went to Britain for more than 3 times, which means that he was an active man. When such a man did such great contribution to Christianity of Britain, people would follow many of his active characters to show their respect. Years later, many English pilgrimages followed his steps and traveled “from Rome to Canterbury” (C Donaldson, 1997). Thus, his great efforts in doing it made the missionary style in Britain more

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