Atmospheric Optics

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Atmospheric Optics

Light is all around us, from both natural and artificial sources, during the day and the night. We think we understand it, and that what we see by it is an exact representation of what we are looking at. However we can be mistaken; the setting sun seen on the horizon has in fact already dropped below the horizon. Twinkling stars are also an effect of this same process, called refraction.

Light passing through a medium such as air or water can be absorbed and scattered by the molecules in the medium or refracted by changes in air density. Earth's atmosphere contains air, water and dust molecules that cause light rays from the sun to change direction as they pass through slightly different densities of air - this is known as refraction. The amount of refraction of light is dependent on the refractive index (a measure of how much a substance bends light, dependent on its density and the type of molecules) and the incident angle at which the light enters the substance. Denser substances such as water will bend the light more than a less dense substance like air, and light entering a substance at an angle will refract more than entering perpendicular to the substance's surface. Air itself can have different indices- air that is warm will be less dense and so will refract light less.

Looking up in the direction of the zenith, an observer will look through one air mass- ie the minimum amount of air that light from the sun will travel through to the surface. Light at an angle z from the zenith will pass through more air, so travels through an equivalently greater air mass at a greater incidence angle z. Roughly, the air mass varies with secant z,

as cos(z)=1 airmass / n airmasses in a first-order case,


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...ed at the same time. There is also a chance that light from another point on the disk would be refracted into the line-of-sight so the intensity of light would not change.

An observer, therefore, can only be sure that what he is looking at is a true representation of an object if he is looking straight up to the zenith. Any view towards the horizon will be subject to increasing refractive and scattering effects, that can cause disparity in an object's position, changes in the colour of the incoming light and minute changes in the quality of light causing twinkling.


David K Lynch and William Livingston; Color and Light in Nature, Cambridge University Press, 2nd Ed. 2001

Fraknoi, Morrison, Wolff; Voyages through the Universe, Saunders College Publishing, 2nd Ed. 2000

Scientific American: Ask The Experts

Astronomy Picture of the Day: Why Stars Twinkle

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