Atlantic Slave Trade Research Paper

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The impact of the Atlantic slave trade was immense. Slaves grew to become the center of exchange between Europe and Africa. The European’s triumph in establishing sugar plantations in the Mediterranean was a huge cause of the Atlantic Slave Trade. The hazard of the work combined with the lack of wage staff and the restrictions that came with serf labor ultimately resulted in slavery as a main source of labor. Their capability of working in tropical conditions as well, as their immunity to European diseases and skills in agriculture, deemed them fit to fill the void. The Atlantic Slave Trade had profoundly hurt Africa’s ability to sustain their country politically, diminished populations, and negatively affected long-term economic performance.

During the fifteenth century, European merchants …show more content…

“The Enslavement of Africans.” The Trans- Atlantic Slave Trade Database Voyages, 2007, Millions were captured but many died from illnesses upon arrival. Prior to the Europeans, African led diverse lifestyles under various types of governments. Some were apart of great empires ruled by emperors. Some people lived with no form of government, while others had a democratic rule. European’s introduction however of this kind of slavery absolutely demolished the society of Africa. The Atlantic Slave Exchange deeply thwarted Africa’s desire to improve economically and maintain political stability. On a social scale, the largest impact that the Atlantic Slave Trade had in Africa was a decline in population. “The transatlantic slave trade was responsible for the forced migration of between 12 - 15 million people from Africa to the Western Hemisphere from the middle of the 15th century to the end of the 19th century” (“The Transatlantic Slave Trade.” USI Understanding Slavery Initiative content&view=article&id=369&Itemid=145.htm.). The slave trade ripped away tons of Africans right when

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