Justifying High Paychecks of Athletes

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Athletes are paid lots of money but some people don’t think it’s fair, I think it is fair so I came up with these reasons to prove it. Lebron James gets paid 71 million dollars for entertaining us, pushing his limits everyday, and also play for the whole state (Mackenzie Carro). Athletes are overpaid because they play that sport for the state, they push their limits every day, also they are impressive to watch. Athletes train and push their limits everyday, therefore they should get paid well. They have to train and travel and keep on going. They never stop and it is tiring. Athletes barely get rest so they deserve to get paid well, their job is very hard. Athletes try to hard and they get hurt by doing something really hard. Athletes get injured a lot and they have to pay for it that's probably why they have short careers. They have to get good grades and work hard also they have to study and get a lot of tutors. It’s not easy to be an athlete and you have to get good grades and do a lot of work. Athletes have to do all this stuff that is so hard and doing stuff that's to extreme for them so they deserve to get paid like they do. …show more content…

Athletes put their bodies on the line for the game. Athletes will put themselves in a risk of getting injured for the whole game so they should get paid a lot if they are willing to get themselves hurt for the game. Athletes have to train and travel all the time and they get any rest. It is unhealthy to not have that much rest and it is bad for you. Athletes get concussions and they brake parts of their bodies. Athletes can die from their job because of how dangerous it is, and their families worry about them also they might never be able to walk again so It’s pretty fair that they get paid a lot. Athletes are doing very dangerous things and they are sacrificing themselves for the game so getting paid a lot of money for that is

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