Aspects and Definition of Marketing

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Aspects and Definition of Marketing

Marketing includes advertising, selling, and delivering products to

people. The market department try to get the attention of target

audiences by using slogans, packaging design, celebrity endorsements

and general exposure in the media world. Objectives, strategies, and

tactics - these are the parts of a solid strategic marketing plan.

In order to achieve this the marketing mix must be put into use (the 4







Marketing is not about providing products or services it is

essentially about providing changing benefits to the changing needs

and demands of the customer' (P.Tailor 7/00)

In order for your business to sell its products and services as

successfully as possible, you need to look at what products you are

selling in detail to ensure they will be attractive and needed; the

price to ensure it is not too cheap or too expensive; where you are

best distributing your product; and finally, how you can create

interest and awareness for your products. All these elements need to

be targeted at the right people at the right time. In order for your

business to tackle this correctly, you need to get the right type of

mix (marketing mix), the mix should include four main elements:

Product, Price, Place and Promotion, by examining each and carefully

and adapting them to your customer's needs, you will continue to

produce and needed products and services.


You need firstly to identified who will be interested in buying your

products and services, this should be identified once you have

analysed the results of the market research. Your market research data

will be able to look more closely at what your market want and then

look at your products to see if they are satisfying your customer's

needs. Examine your packaging design, materials used, size and

quantity. By analysing the market and its requirements, you will be

able to change the product or develop the product in order to match

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