In all reality, all businesses will, in some way shape or form, complete all of the marketing activities, even if completing these activities is not their main goal. (Dlabay 2006.) These marketing activities are product, place, price, and promotion. A business tool called that marketing mix takes all of these activities and puts them together in a way that can be used to help improve a business’s marketing strategy. Product is what the company is selling; Place is where the consumer will obtain this product; Price is what the consumer will pay for the product; Promotion is any type of communication that is intended to remind, inform, or persuade. (Dlabay 2006.) The marketing mix and the four P’s describe very well what business marketing is all about. Introduction A marketing mix is what businesses use to detail the main functions of business marketing and do into further explanation as of how those functions influence the success or failure of a business. There are several different marketing mix tools, the four P’s is a very useful tool explaining the main functions of a marketing mix. A basic way of describing the marketing mix is the four P’s: Product,Place, Price, Promotion. A very important part of understanding how to use this tool is asking yourself questions that will help you understand each individual part of the marketing mix. Many people use this process to check their existing business to see if there are improvements to be made. The four P’s marketing mix system could also be used before starting a new business or offering a new product to give yourself guidelines on how to run your new business. Product The first element of the four p’s system is the product. The product is what the business sells or offers to... ... middle of paper ... ...winter. Mass promotion can some in several forms: advertising, publicity, and public relations. Advertising is any form of communication that is paid.Publicity is a form of promotional communication that is unpaid. An example of publicity is a logo on a t-shirt. Public relations can be either paid or unpaid. (Dlabay 2006.) Conclusion To create a successful marketing mix you must have all of the following aspects: the right product for your target market, sold to your target market at the appropriate price,in the right place and time, while using the most fitting promotion. ( Marketing Theory 1995.) The product, price, place, and promotion all are of uttermost importance in a business, since all businesses must complete all of these activities, including advertising agencies and research firms, everybody in the business world should understand the marketing mix.
The 4 Ps of the marketing mix are: Product, Promotion, Price, and Place. The marketing mix puts the right products, at the right price point, in the right place, at the right time. The following examines how Claire’s Chocolates optimizes its marketing mix (Yoo, Donthu, & Lee, 2000, 195-196).
According to Jobber et al (1998) the marketing mix is ` the tactical `toolkit' of product, place/distribution, promotion and price that an organisation can control in order to facilitate satisfying exchange'. The following is Sainsbury's current marketing mix strategy.
Intro Deciding what you want to study during your college career can be a difficult and tedious task. This is due to fact that many young adults coming out of high school are unsure of what they want to do or what path to take career wise. It is also tedious because this requires that these individuals have to constantly try and explore new avenues so that they can find their passion in life. The path I chose to take when coming out of high school was entering the business school at Howard University.
When a business aims to be as successful as possible in selling its products and services, it must examine in detail whether or not the products will be attractive and necessary; if the price is optimal; if the product is being distributed in the best locations; and finally, how interest and awareness can be created for the products. In order for a business to target all of these elements at the right people at the right time, it must employ the right type of marketing mix: Product, Price, Place and Promotion.
Marketing is a process of determining a consumer’s needs, devising a product or service to satisfy those needs, and trying to focus customers on the goods and services you are offering. Marketing is extremely important, and a fundamental building block for business growth. A marketing team is given the task of creating customer awareness through a variety of different marketing techniques. If a business does not pay close attention to their consumer demographic and needs, they will eventually fail over time. Two important aspects of marketing include acquiring new customers, and the preservation and growth of relationships with current customers. Marketing has always been viewed as a creative outlet, which encompassed advertising, distribution, and the selling of goods and services. Marketing staff will also try to anticipate what customers will want in the future, often being accomplished with market research. In summation, a good marketing plan should be able to create a favorable proposition or series of benefits that a customer can value through goods or services. The marketing mix is normally described as the strategic positioning of a product or service in the marketplace, using the specification of the four Ps. During the early 1960’s, Professor E. Jerome McCarthy of Harvard Business School stated that a marketing mix contains four elements. The four key points are product, pricing, promotion, and placement. It is recognized that all these aspects must be present to ensure a successful business model within a given industry. We will now take a thorough look at the four marketing mix points.
The marketing mix, which is basic to any organization, can be considered the ‘controllable’ variables that every business encounters. These controllable variables can be modified based on the uncontrollable variables (external factors found in Environmental Scan) that directly affect business operations. A company focuses on four elements in the marketing mix: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion, which are managed and coordinated through marketing programs in efforts to appeal to their target market. Marketers strive to understand what motivates consumers to purchase certain products. The marketing mix helps to break down some of these questions: What will consumers buy? How much will they spend? Where will they buy? And will they buy again?
I found the main goal of the article to explain the concept of marketing. As the author implies, the concept of the marketing mix is a great tool to give an answer to the question “what is marketing”. It is a great introduction of the elements of marketing as a whole, with visual charts that sum the different marketing forces. Marketing is not about doing or not doing, its mainly about doing the right things for your operation with consideration of the resources that are available. This also sheds light over the fact that managing functions of marketing must be oriented to the market and with consideration of the marketing changes make a marketing mix that fits the resources of the firm.
The LEGO Group organization is famous due to its flagship product – colourful plastic bricks that can be interlocked to form a variety of figures, and then disconnected again. These binding bricks originated in a wooden form when the company was first established in Billund, Denmark by Kirk Kristiansen in 1932 (The LEGO Group, 2012), and today’s well known plastic version was introduced in 1958 (Rosenberg). The company’s head office is located in Billund to this day, and The LEGO Group remains privately owned by Kristiansen’s family (The LEGO Group, 2012). They currently sell toys and teaching materials in over 130 countries worldwide.
Now we know the meaning and the characteristics of marketing mix and now i will be discussing the marketing mix of the cadbury company.
The 4 Ps of marketing refers to the terms product, price, promotion and place. These four components make up what is known as the ‘marketing mix’. Each of the Ps focuses on a different element of the marketing mix. Product refers to the actual good or service on offer from a business. Price refers to the price set for the aforementioned product, and the particular pricing strategy that the firm has chosen to implement. Promotion refers to the promotional strategies that are used to sell the product, and the communication that is undertaken to persuade customers to purchase the product. Finally, place refers to the method of distribution used to get the good and/or service from the firm to the customer. The 4 Ps marketing mix is commonly
The marketing mix is the most fundamental concept of marketing, which is a set of controllable marketing tools that a company uses to create a desired response in the targeted market. Marketing Mix ' is also referred and known as the Four P 's i.e. product, price, place of distribution, and promotion. (Khan 2014)
Good understanding of the marketing mix is important for an organization. When a company is developing a marketing plan, it must consider each element. Just as important is an understanding how to use the element in the marketing process. They must create a marketing plan, which incorporated all four elements. This is usually formalized in a marketing plan consists of three phases. These phases are planning, implementation and control.
The four P’s of the marketing mix are price, place, product, and promotion. Each element has its significance, and it is important that
The marketing mix is a term used to describe the four main marketing tools, Price, Product, Promotion and Place (EStartup business blog, 2010). An example of each of the 4P’s are: which products are well received, what prices consumers are willing to pay, what TV programs, newspapers and advertising consumers read and view and which restaurants and businesses are visited (EStartup business blog, 2010).... ... middle of paper ... ... Marketing strategies are the most important part of any business, once the marketing strategy is in place the business will be successful in the future.
The main topic for this Extended Essay is to analyze the effectiveness of company’s market strategy. A marketing strategy can be defined as a process that helps a business to optimize the opportunities in order to complete business objectives, which mainly gain profits. It includes all basic and long-term field activities of marketing that deal with the analyzing of initial strategy, evaluation of the strategy, and making of a new strategy if the initial strategy is found to be ineffective or even might cause loss. (Homburg, Kuester and Krohmer 2009) To make sure the effectiveness of marketing strategy, its crucial to establish the right marketing mix which cover all the element needed in marketing a product. (Clark, et al. 2009)