Art Class Reflection

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Were you ever a student in middle school who loved being at school? No class could ruin the fun you had with your friends. That is until you had that one class where the teacher seemed to have a grudge against you. No matter what you did he/she would give the worst grade possible. That one teacher would ruin every essay you did even after the class. That young kid was me! I was the short, tan, curly haired kid who thought he had it made. The class I took was called Holocaust Art, which took place in my seventh grade year while attending Orangeburg Preparatory School. I can remember the school had white brick walls with a small red stripe inside all the buildings. The white makes me think of the possibly soulless teacher Mrs. Marie Craft. Not …show more content…

Craft’s class is where my story comes into action about how and why I began to dislike any form of essay or short story assignments. Even though the class was originally supposed to be an art class, I ended up writing more essays in that class than in my English class. Not having an actual art class bummed me out since I was really good at drawing. I wasn’t the only student who did not like Mrs. Craft. Statistics showed that 67% of our class had a lowered GPA due to her course. The statistics were given out during a board meeting to discuss what should be done about the situation. My father was and still is a board member at Orangeburg Preparatory School and that is how I discovered those stats. The essay that changed my opinion on ever wanting to write another essay was titled, “Where Would We Be without the Hindenburg.” This essay was supposed to be about a significant part of the Holocaust past that had to be at least five pages. It was only the rough draft, and yet I clearly remember getting the paper back with no marks on it at all. The grade I received for the “Rough Draft” was a seventy. I never thought you could be graded harshly on a rough draft. I asked her what was wrong with my essay since she had not placed any marks on my paper. Mrs. Craft said, “Figure it out yourself since you are the one who made the errors.” So, I went back to my desk with a disgusted feeling in my

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