Arranged Marriages In Romeo And Juliet

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In William Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet lord Capulet decides that this daughter has to marry Paris even though she isn’t interested in marrying him and the fact that Juliet is married to Romeo. Getting married can be very difficult and it could change lives. When parents arrange their children’s marriages there is little amount of time to get to know each other. They’re not allowed to choose their husbands or wives and there are higher divorce rates than regular marriages. One of the most important things in arranged marriages is that the parent or parents don’t give the children enough time to get to know the person. For example, in the play William Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet Lord Capulet rushed Juliet into marrying Paris. If the parents …show more content…

For example, Juliet’s dad forced her into marrying Paris even though they didn’t know she was married to Romeo. So parents are strict about who their children choose and how they are. The parents don’t want their children to pick the wrong person and mess up their life. The parents want to be in control of their children’s lives and they want to pick the right person for their children.
Threw out many marriages well arranged marriages there is this thing called divorce. We might not want to talk about it or the fact that it happens often. Even though the parents might choose the partner doesn’t mean it’s going to last. It might not last because of who the parents have chosen for their children or if there really young it could affect it. Doing the process divorce can be painful and it can be awkward at times. But if your parents were meant to arrange your marriage then I probably would work out.
In this play by William Shakespeare Juliet’s father decides he wants her to marry Paris. What lord Capulet doesn’t know is that Juliet is already married to Romeo. In my essay I disagreed that parents shouldn’t chose for their children. The second reason is that there isn’t enough time to get to see how that person is. Last reason is that there is higher divorce rates than regular

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