Army Knowledge Management Principles

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The Army Knowledge Management Principles is a trio of dimensions that collaborate to form a very powerful single process, which enables the Army Enterprise to learn, store and share knowledge. “The objective of the Army Knowledge Management Principle is to connect those who know with those who need to know, (know-why, know-what, and know-how) by leveraging knowledge transfers from one-to-many across the Global Army Enterprise” (“The Army Knowledge Management Principles” N.D. pg. 1). The three dimensions are People/Culture, Technology and Process. Each dimension plays a role while Knowledge Managements fits in the middle overlapped by each dimension. There are twelve key principles as explained in the Army Knowledge Management Principles document “Twelve key principles are featured. Each Principle is followed by a rational and implications section” (“The Army Knowledge Management Principles” N.D. pg. 1) …show more content…

Culture and People dimension is the knowledge and verbally sharing it as well as putting it on Technology based databases for others to retrieve. Technology is the second dimension of Army Knowledge Management Principle. It is simply put as “a machine, piece of equipment, method, etc., that is created by technology” (Merriam-Webster’s, 1993). As the definition implies, it is one of the avenues knowledge can be stored, processed or retrieved by individuals who are seeking the knowledge that others are sharing. The final dimension is Process, it is the process implemented by agencies, commanders or units to ensure it is implied throughout the Army Enterprise. “Implementing these principles will

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