Army Cadets at Newcastle Under Lyme School often use their .22 ranges

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Army Cadets at Newcastle Under Lyme School often use their .22 ranges

and find it extremely hard to see what their shoot total is mid-way

through the shoot.


Army Cadets at Newcastle Under Lyme School often use their .22 ranges

and find it extremely hard to see what their shoot total is mid-way

through the shoot. They cannot view the target through the sights on

the rifles, as the sights are iron sights. A solution is required

whereby this problem can be cured, and the individual shooters can

view their statistics with minimal movement required.


I am to design a system whereby shooters will be able to view their

score for that particular shoot session and also view their statistics

upon the same piece of machinery.


The primary output of this product is to be 2 seven-segment displays,

which show you the overall score of the shooter after each shot. The

secondary output of this product is to be more seven-segment displays,

which display relevant pieces of information regarding the shooters

statistics, in accordance with their score.

The seven segment displays which are to be used will be of varied

sizes as the primary seven segment displays are to be larger than the

secondary seven segment displays as to let the user view his or her

score with great ease.

The approximate cost of the product is to be something around the

region of about £25 as to cover the cost of manufacture, components,

storage and the battery. The exact cost at this time remains oblivious

to me but this is a rough estimate of what the final cost may be.

The ease of use is inevitable as this product is to be used primarily

by cadets from the Newcastle Under Lyme School CCF; therefore complex

manual operations conducted by the user are not required within the


It is unclear at this time to determine what the customers will be

prepared to pay as no primary research has been conducted into the

matter. In the coarse of this coursework primary research will be

conducted and questions such as "How much will the customers be

prepared to pay?" will be answered.

This product will be designed to be primarily used on a 30m range

therefore I will incorporate 3.5mm jacks within the casing which will

lead to the pressure pads which are to be approximately 30m away, but

this is also dependant on where the product is placed on the range.

The pressure pads will be placed behind the target in a manner by

which they can still sense the impact of the .2 rounds and at the same

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