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Sociological theory on sexual assault
Sociological theory on sexual assault
Sexual assault relating sociological theories
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Recommended: Sociological theory on sexual assault
Joseph Masso
Prof. Feeley
06 May 2014
Affirmative Consent Standard First Draft
Executive Summary
The ambiguity contained within rape case rulings has become too important to perpetuate without any formal solutions in place. The affirmative consent standard moves to neutralize this lack of clarity regarding consent between the two parties engaging in sexual intercourse by requiring both parties to ask and receive a verbal yes before engaging in any relations. Sexual consent is to never be assumed and any inconsistency in state or federal law can be improved by utilizing this principle.
Statement of Issue/Problem:
Within the past thirty years, the courts have extended the legal parameters of rape to include the withdrawal of consent after penetration. Courts and state legislatures around the country should seek to modernize rape statutes to protect all victims of nonconsensual intercourse, regardless of when those victims manifest their lack of consent. Within English common law, a conviction of rape required evidence that the perpetrator used force or threats of force against the victim. There is much contradiction between states regarding consent. In an effort to eliminate moral ambiguity or the question of consent, an affirmative consent standard should be set into place that refines the classification of consent from “not saying no to sex” to saying yes to the sex with words or obvious enthusiastic actions.
Rape in the United States is defined as “an act of sexual intercourse accomplished against a person’s will by means of force, violence, duress, menace, or fear of immediate and unlawful bodily injury on the person or another.” The courts have expanded this definition to include the withdrawal of consent after pene...
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...r an affirmative consent standard, the law presumes that a woman does not grant consent unless she is asked. The responsibility will be on the male to demonstrate such consent if the woman, in her complaint, alleges no such consent was given; therefore, it will be his story of the events of the evening that is under examination by the court, rather than that of the woman. What affirmative consent represents, then, is a shift in the way society, and in particular the courts, look at the process of consenting to sexual intercourse. Affirmative consent recommends that sex should be viewed as an act that should be entered into willingly by both parties and that the opinion of both parties is equally valid in the eyes of the legal system. Affirmative consent marks a model of sexual interaction where both participants take responsibilities for their desires and actions.
This essay will examine Susan Estrich’s and Lois Pineau’s discussion on rape. Both contribute insights on our society’s negligence when it comes to the protection and justice for women. Estrich provides a peak into the legal system on how it determines rape. We will see that the law is shaped in a way that continues to oppress women and leave them unprotected. Pineau furthers the conversation on placing responsibility on the victim to prove the crime. She narrows her focus on date rape and raises an objection to the model of consent that shapes our culture’s attitude and our country’s law. Pineau proposes a communicative model of sex. From this proposal, I will conclude my essay with an objection of her model and will ultimately defend her model against such an objection.
“Ruling Out Rape” by Lisa Wade, Brian Sweeney, Amelia Seraphia Derr, Michael A. Messner, and Carol Burke discusses the views of five experts about the factors involved in rape. One viewpoint reviews about college campus’ rapes and who are likely to do it. In addition, the viewpoints also includes that officials need to understand what are the factors involved in these rapes in order to create policies to contain sexual assaults. Wade also includes that rape is a culture that is not deemed as real rape as it is claim that women would falsely report being assaulted by a man. However, this also is partly due to campus policy as alcohol is one factor that can contribute to men committing sexual assault.
This is particularly discouraging for acquaintance rape cases, where consent is typically a defense. As it shown, the rape shield laws can play as a strengths and weaknesses both for the victims and defendants.
Farley says “the requirements articulated in this norm is all the more grave because it directly safeguards the autonomy of persons as embodied and inspirited, as transcendent and free (Farley, 218)”. Giving your consent on sex makes it better on the two willing to give consent, it's an agreement, and trustful. “This right or this obligation to respect individual autonomy sets a minimum but absolute requirement for the free consent of sexual partners (Farley, 218)”. In addition, I also argued that when giving your consent on sex if something where to occur, it's based in your choice. Farley would say that “ the requirement of free consent, then opposes sexual harassment, pedophilia, and other instances of disrespect for persons capacity for, and right to, freedom of choice (Farley, 218)”. Which proves my argument to be correct, that giving your consent is self-decision, and self-choice. The consent on sex proves to sufficient based in
The treatment and blah in adult relationships has been a blurry line in our society. O'Neill's different types of consent and accounts of using others and treating them with respect as persons is reasonable; it also points out the failures in relationships and encounters among people. We live in a rape culture, one where the lines of consent are often misinterpreted or ignored. In class, we discussed the rape culture among college campuses and how sometimes it can be misconstrued.
Barristers' Perspectives on Rape and the Sexual Offences Act 2003 - (2010) 174 JPN 47
The age of consent varies among cultures. In the American culture we find that most states legally define the age of consent at 18 regardless of sex according to the 2011 Global Justice Initiative. For the purposes of this paper, sex is defined as being biologically female or male. In the Chinese culture, the National
The 2003 Act also changes the law on consent and belief in consent. Convicting a person of rape is defined under the Sexual Offences Act 2003 s1, it is as follows; “A person (A) commits an offence if: he intentionally penetrates the vagina, anus or mouth of another person with his penis, if person (B) does not consent to the penetration and if person (A) does not reasonably believe that (B) consents”.... ... middle of paper ... ...
It was once acceptable for men to have full control over women, declaring when they will marry and when they will have children. However, over the past centuries, women have established a place in society, proving themselves much more than someone's property. This is why the word “rape” today is not taken lightly. According to findlaw.com, “Rape generally refers to non-consensual sexual intercourse that is committed by physical force, threat of injury, or other duress.” When one does not give consent to sex, it is considered a felony, possibly putting the rapist in jail. Contrary to sexual assault, “Sex is reified as penile-vaginal intercourse while an extremely diverse group of pleasurable and sexually stimulating activities are dismissively relegated to the category of foreplay...” (Reinholtz, Muehlenhard, Phelps, & Satterfield, 1995.) Although consented sexual intercourse is much more out in the open and accepted in society, the problem of rape is still very relevant behind the scenes.
Statutory rape laws are valuable in protecting the rights of minors. Possibly, if the laws were revamped to suit the changing attitudes’ of modern society, the law would be more effective. In place of worrying about the misinterpreted claims of statutory rape, prosecutors can focus on the more crucial cases. With more defined modern guidelines, society would be aware of the laws regarding statutory rape and some more pleased. Statutory rape laws are no longer used to prohibit teenagers from having sex. Instead, the regulations are to make certain that the teenagers who are having sexual intercourse are not unknowingly being emotionally forced into it by their significantly older partner’s power. Ideally, statutory rape laws can only improved the lives of teenagers.
What do you think and feel when you hear the word rape? Do you feel uncomfortable? Maybe even angry? Your certain feelings and emotions towards this word is a result of rape culture. Rape culture, essentially, is how a society as a whole sees and reacts towards rape or instances of rape. In 2013 rape was defined by the FBI as, “Penetration… of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.” (Division’s Crime Statistics Management Unit 1). The definition was finally changed after the old definition deemed inappropriate by today’s standards, which beforehand, stated that physical force needed to be used for rape to be considered rape. This is good news for men and women who have been fighting for the definition to be changed, but unfortunately this does not mean that state laws are being changed the same way. Even though the FBI may acknowledge the older inappropriate definition, most states do not. Sexual assault is a commonly unreported crime, where only an average of 36% of sexual abuse is actually reported to the authorities (Planty 7). Some forms of rape can include physical harm, threats, and even death of the victim, and most victims do not want to tell others for fear of criticism, self-blame, or even the fear that their attackers will carry out on their threats. In many cases, victims do have a reason to be afraid. When someone is brave enough to come forward and say they were sexually assaulted, they are putting themselves in the position of being in not only a long legal process, but also having their motives questioned and misunderstood, which is the last thing they want after their experience. The legal system in the United States...
Men are usually more aggressive, and women are seen as passive. Vogelman: This socialization process is changing, but slowly. Rape is non-consensual sexual intercourse that a male performs against a woman whom he is neither married to or cohabiting with. The definition of rape changes by geographic location.
Sexual assault is a term that is used interchangeably with the word rape. The decision on whether or not to use the term rape or sexual assault is made by a state’s jurisdiction. Sexual assault is more readily used in an attempt to be more gender neutral (National Victim Center). Sexual assault can be most easily described as forced or unconsentual sexual intercourse. The individual that is performing these acts on the victim may either be a stranger or an acquaintance. In 1994, 64.2 percent of all rapes were committed by someone the offender had previously known (Ringel, 1997). Regardless, this type of crime can have extreme effects on the victim.
It is commonly agreed on that if someone uses physical force to make another have sex with them, then it is a clear instance of rape. However, Conly’s approach to rape removes the traditional idea of force playing a key role in constituting rape, but instead focuses on what drove that person to allow sex to happen, despite there being no presence of violence and not wanting to have sex (Conly, 2004, p. 98). Igor Primoratz’s definition of sexual harassment is when person A uses threatening behaviour to Person B to get Person B to have sex with Person A. Primoratz’s definition of sexual harassment is what Conly considers rape, only if certain conditions are met. (Law, 2015, p. 137).
Consent is a valid agreement, through explicit words or actions, that a person is willing to perform an action. To be valid, consent must be granted without coercion and under no mental impairment which would affect the grantor’s judgement on the matter. Examples of such impairment would be inebriation or social duress. For the purposes of this definition, explicit words or actions in the affirmative are those that one can reasonably interpret in conventional interactions as affirming the person’s willingness to engage. It should be noted that verbal permission is not necessary for consent; this definition includes clear actions such as saying “yes,” nodding, or beginning to engage in the action after being asked. It is also important to note