Aristotle View Abortion Essay

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In the early 1960’s, inspired by the antiwar and civil rights movements, women began to fight earnestly for their rights. They took on the taboo subject of abortion, began to tell personal stories to other women about their experiences, rallied, and marched for pro-choice. With the help from civil liberty groups, reform came gradually. A few states legalized abortion but the cost was still high, and with very few allowances, little to no women benefited. The struggle continued. On January 22, 1973 in the historic Roe v. Wade decision, the Supreme Court banned state laws prohibiting abortion. It allowed women and their doctors to make decisions about their reproductive rights in the first months of pregnancy. Today, many people believe abortion should be illegal. How would Aristotle view abortion? I believe that if men were able to reproduce, terminating a pregnancy would not be frowned upon, but instead considered to be socially acceptable. Would Aristotle’s view be the same? Aristotle’s theory of natural law, discussed in Niocmachean Ethics, is mainly teleological because he focuses on the end of all our actions, and how they should lean to happiness. He believed that there were four causes to every object in the world including humans. These were the, material cause – out of what the object was composed of, the efficient cause – what is recognized as being part of the object, the formal cause – the purpose, end, goal or aim of the object. For example, the material cause of a spoon would be metal, the efficient cause would be its shape and structure, the formal cause would be a factory and the final cause would be to use for eating. For Aristotle, the final cause was the most important for humans because it focuses... ... middle of paper ... equality among people and that the hardships of humankind could be cured by equity, the fair sharing of resources among members of the community. Most likely, he would have opposed to the idea of abortion because that treatment is not fair to the baby, and that they have the right to life. Aristotle believed that human life was present in the fetus during the time of conception and that it had a soul and there was present human life. It comes down to human rights, and whether the fetus should have any, and Aristotle believes it does because of equality. The fetus is different from other livings things such as plants and cells which the human body kills all the time and so what is the difference between killing? The fetus produces its own cells to develop more humanistic characteristics, so, as Aristotle would conclude, it’s different from other living organisms.

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