Arguments Against Homosexuality

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If you were to go back to the 1950’s you would realize how differently homosexuality was looked at compared to today. Men were arrested because of their homosexual relations; people looked at it as a disease, something that was possibly curable. Over time, people have started to become more open and proud about their sexual orientation, demanding basic rights that had been taken from them. In our generation, homosexuality is a major component of Pop Culture and is one of the many causes of disputes between the citizens of the United States and their government. On February 27, 2014 Daily News published an article on their web page called: Five arguments against gay marriage. In the article, author Seth Forman states his opinion on gay marriage. Forman says in the opening of the article “Putting gay unions on a legal par with heterosexual ones may radically alter our culture.” Forman then continues to provide his readers with five points explaining his position on the topic. His first statement is on religious freedom, this one of the main arguments against gay rights. The bible does not mention homosexuality specifically but it is evident that it is condemned. A passage in the Book of Leviticus identifies homosexuality as an abomination, and a detestable sin. Romans1:26-27 describes homosexual desires to be shameful. The bible also describes marriage and that it is to be between a man and a woman. Genesis 2:24:"Therefore a man leaves his father and his mother and cleaves to his wife, and they become one flesh." Forman quotes opponents in a Newsday editorial saying opponents “will be seen by future generations in much the same light as those who opposed school desegregation.” Forman’s second concern is the rights of children. He st... ... middle of paper ... ... on topics like this. You will certainly never get a unanimous decision from a large group of people such as the United States. While you have two sides to the topic both have their reasoning for what they believe and I am no different. In the article, Seth Forman makes some valid arguments as to why he believes homosexuals do not deserve the right to marry. He uses religion for his first example. The Freedom of Religion is one of the rights granted to Americans by the United States Constitution. It is also the cause of many disagreements such as this one. The bible does state that marriage should be between a man and a woman but Proverbs 8:17 states: “I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently find me.” Those who believe in god and truly need him are loved no matter what. What many people don’t understand is that homosexuals don’t choose to be gay.

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