Argumentative Essay: Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats

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A lot of people prefer cats but other people will prefer dogs. I prefer a dog that will protect me and play with me and will also help me. Cats will not do all those things. Those are some reasons. This how I think dogs are better than cats. Dogs will protect you when cats hide. Dogs will risk themselves to keep you alive like in fires. In a fire a cat would naturally hide and run out of the house. Stray dogs might try to hurt you and your dog will try to defend you and itself. cars would not be there if you go on a walk, cats will be at home.So if you treat your dog good he will treat you good. Cats will not protect you but what they will do is sleep a lot. Dogs will play and cats will be lazy and lay around. Dogs will play fetch and run around while a cat will climb around and maybe knock over a glass or 2. Once on the news a cat broke a support beam to there house and it collapsed a few days later. If you ever see a dog chase a Frisbee Imagine a cat chasing a Frisbee. Dogs will break stuff not to often but cats do it a lot more. …show more content…

Dogs will lay on your lap when you are depressed and cats will hide under a bed. When you are bored dogs will try to make you happy when you do not know where cats are. Dogs will always be by your side when you need company. Dogs will make you feel good but cats will try to avoid people a lot. Those are my three main reasons why my opinion is dogs are better than dogs. Do you think dogs or cats are better? Hopefully my essay made you notice a few things about dogs and cats. You still could like cats but I will always like dogs. that's how I think dogs are better than

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