Argumentative Essay: Should College Be Free?

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In our further growing globalized economy students are realizing it of great importance to attend a secondary institution in order to achieve success. In the New York Times’ section “Room for Debate” the article “Should College Be Free”, many credible sources with different backgrounds discuss their views on if it should or shouldn’t be free. However, many students nowadays enter college unprepared and are unfit for the obstacles they may face in higher education. Due to this, having college be free will offer students who shouldn’t be attending college to motivate to do so, and will waste time for educators and students at higher institutions.
As appealing the idea of free college sounds like, by making college free it will make under achieving students who aren’t prepared and barely made it through high school to reach college. Although, it will benefit poor academically challenged students (which is a good thing since we need more workers in skilled departments in order to benefit this economy) it could make the purpose of attending a higher institution seen as an extra year of …show more content…

Celeste Carruthers of “Tennessee is Showing how free tuition works” states, “they [the state] pay a relatively low cost of 1,020 per student” students still have to pay for other resources requiring them to get a job and still won’t have time to focus solely on studying. having a free college will also allow more students to want to go to college despite their economic standing since nowadays jobs willingly select employees with a college diploma over someone who doesn’t have one, so it is viewed as necessary in order to succeed. However, this will take up most of the spots for other students or of low lying incomes who need it more to be unable to

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