There is no doubt that the Holocaust is one of the best remembered and most studied genocides in human history. There are very few who would be puzzled by the mention of the Holocaust in today’s world as it’s impacts have been immense and lasting. Many lives were lost during this time, and many atrocities occurred- torture and persecution were pushed past the boundaries of most people’s imaginations. Throughout modern history, the Holocaust has been documented over and over again as the worst genocide- and perhaps even the worst crime- in human history. Many historians have even said it was a unique occurrence that is unparalleled by other crimes in human history. This being said, it is not difficult to argue this statement when observing and analyzing the many components of the Holocaust and of other horrible crimes that have happened. It is hard to say that the Jewish Holocaust is that much different from other mass murders throughout history. During this time, the technology and planning were much more complicated and advanced, but the general purpose is consistently similar. German task forces bear a striking resemblance to many other death squads that have targeted and …show more content…
Many could claim that the lives lost, the catastrophic impact, and the advanced technology set the Holocaust apart from others but I believe it is morally unjustifiable to categorize human suffering in a form of ranking or comparison. Every tragic incident of genocide and every devastating crime throughout history have similarities and differences between each other. Each act of evil or hatred is despicable and not one should be given precedent over another no matter how many were killed or how atrocious the means by which the victims were killed were. The Holocaust and all other crimes and genocides are horrific stains on our history that will never be
Millions upon millions of people were killed in the holocaust, that is just one of many genocides. There are many similarities between different genocides. Throughout history, many aggressors have started and attempted genocides and violence on the basis of someone being the "other".
Holocaust Hero: A One of a Kind Man. What is a hero? A hero can be classified as a number of things. A hero can be a person who, in the opinions of others, has heroic qualities or has performed a heroic act and is regarded as a model or ideal.
Rosenbaum, Alan S. Is The Holocaust Unique?. 3rd ed. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 2008. 387. Print.
The Holocaust is a dark event that started during World War 2, with Germans, specifically Adolf Hitler believed that the Jews were to blame for a spectrum of issues. Many also dispute the optimal age to teach the Holocaust. Why should 8th Graders be taught the Holocaust? Are they mature enough? The audience and material are critical when teaching about the Holocaust, because the audience cannot be too young, and the material needs to be appropriate, uncontroversial, and impartial.
The Holocaust was a very impressionable period of time. It not only got media attention during that time, but movies, books, websites, and other forms of media still remember the Holocaust. In Richard Brietman’s article, “Lasting Effects of the Holocaust,” he reviews two books and one movie that were created to reflect the Holocaust (BREITMAN 11). He notes that the two books are very realistic and give historical facts and references to display the evils that were happening in concentration camps during the Holocaust. This shows that the atrocities that were committed during the Holocaust have not been forgotten. Through historical writings and records, the harshness and evil that created the Holocaust will live through centuries, so that it may not be repeated again (BREITMAN 14).
Everyone thought slavery was horrific but what Hitler did to the Jewish community was just as bad, if not, worse. A lot of us are oblivious to what really happened; the Jews were just another minority that got the short end of the stick. Millions of innocent Jews died due to Hitler and his rules.
Avraham Harman Institute of Contemporary Jewry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, expanded the field of the Holocaust by rethinking and analysing it into a new light. This book has several ideas that expand from the holocaust to other genocides around the world. Yehuda Bauer has published many books and articles about the holocaust.He published his first book The initial organization of the holocaust survivors in Bavaria in 1970. Bauer first found his interest in studying history while in high school.He continued on the study history in college. Bauer’s book focuses on the Holocaust, other genocides, and the viewpoints of other great historians. He has analyzed the Holocaust and its effect on Jewish people for many years. Considering Bauer’s studies and analyzations over the years this book is filled with knowledge and ways to peak interests in the Holocaust. Yehuda Bauer offers a look at the Holocaust that is original. He doesn’t try to keep the Holocaust in its own category. He compares it to other genocides around the world showing the
There are times in history when desperate people plagued by desperate situations blindly give evil men power. These men, once given power, have only their own evil agendas to carry out. The Holocaust was the result of one such man's agenda. In short simplicity, shear terror, brutality, inhumanity, injustice, irresponsibility, immorality, stupidity, hatred, and pure evil are but a few words to describe the Holocaust.
The Holocaust, the mass killing of the Jewish people in Europe, is the largest genocide in history to this date. Over the course of the Holocaust nearly six million Jewish people were killed by the Nazi Party and Germany led by Adolf Hitler. There are multiple contributing factors to the Holocaust that made it so large in scope. Historians argue which of these factors were most significant. The most significant contributing factor is the source of the Holocaust, the reason it occurred. This source is Adolf Hitler and his hatred for Jewish people. In comparison to the choices of the Allies to not accept Jewish refugees and to not take direct military action to end the Holocaust, the most significant contributing factor of the Holocaust is that Adolf Hitler was able to easily rise to power with the support of the German people and rule Germany.
The Holocaust will forever remain one of the most horrific events in history and it is important to remember that there were many different endings for the many different Jews affected. It should not have mattered where the Jews lived, how old they were or the sex they were, none of them should have been persecuted in the first place. Reflecting on the tragic events of the war, all we can do is make sure that these horrific things never happen again.
I think a big impact on the life of Jews would be their belief in God
To begin with the holocaust had a great impact in history even though it was a time of disaster, murder, and discrimination. It was a time in which Adolf Hitler,German politician and Nazi party leader, wanted all Jews suffering or dead. Adolf Hitler turned everyone against the Jews because he believed that they were to wealthy and too powerful so he wanted to eliminate all of them. The Jews went through a lot of suffering and pain. The German soldiers which took commands from their leader, Adolf Hitler, put some Jews to work and killed others. Many Jews didn't get to work they were killed instantly. All women were separated from the man and woman were mostly killed instantly only some got the opportunity to work. The some ways that the jews were killed is that they were put into gas chambers by tons or shot by soldiers. Jews were also dying by starvation dehydration soldiers would not give them enough food or water. They would only want those with blue eyes and blonde hair they discriminated all the others. Soldiers would not only kill the Jews but torture them for anything they did. The Jews would be transported from camp to camp walking even in the worst weather conditions which also many died from it.
When World War 2 broke out in 1939, the United States of America was facing the dilemma of whether or not to intervene in the massacre known as the Holocaust. Some people believe that the United States did all they could to help the victims of the war. Some believe that America did hardly anything. But, there is stronger evidence pointing towards the fact that the United States did not do enough to stop the killing initiated by Adolf Hitler, the leader of the Nazi army.
The Holocaust was an extremely horrific period of history. Millions were killed and lost everything, including money, family, and dignity. However, it has taught many lessons. We can study it today to make sure nothing like it ever happens again.
This question is based on the accompanying documents. The question is designed to test your ability to work with historical documents, such as primary and secondary sources. You are to analyze and interpret each document, and use them as sources for your essay.