Argumentative Essay On The American Dream

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American Dream” is a national ethos of the United States citizens, a set of traditional social ideals, including freedom of opportunity for prosperity and success. The term “American Dream” was commonly used after the Civil War, the era of struggles, discrimination and a war that put an end to slavery. The Civil War is also known as the bloodiest war in the U.S history. It took place from 1861 to 1865 between the North (Union) and the South (Confederacy), resulting in the deaths of an estimated number 650,000 soldiers and an unspecified but reasonably large number of civilian casualties. Although, the primary cause of the Civil War is not just about slavery, it was the expansion sectionalism, ideological, economic and states’ rights. More than that, the term “American Dream” is a story of hope, opportunity, freedom, inspiration, in advances to fulfill America’s promise of equality and opportunity.

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