Argumentative Essay On Single Parent Parents

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With the divorce rate as high as it is, more and more children are growing up in single parent families. Ideally, it is better for children to live with their mom and dad happily married. These children who grow up in a single parent family are looked at as being different. However, the problem lies in the difference of children raised by both a mother and a father. Does a child need both parents? Does a young boy need a father figure around? With much speculation, this topic has become a very intriguing argument. Children hate divorce because having two of the most important people in your life living apart hurts. For children, divorce is not a onetime event, but a continued process. This is a traumatic experience for the children because it leaves them feeling alone, as if nobody in the world cares about them. Divorce and single parenting affect each child differently. These children often face many difficult problems that they shouldn’t have to deal with. Humiliation from other students in school is one of the problems they face. This leaves them feeling like they were responsible for the breakup of their parents. This could be true but not in all circumstances. It would not be beneficial at all to grow up in a two parent family who did nothing but argue and put each other down. Naturally, a child who sees this from a very young age until they are ready to be out on their own would only follow in the footsteps of all that they have ever known. Children who are raised by one parent who devotes their time and emotion into their child would benefit much more than a child who has both parents showing them that fighting and arguing is acceptable. However, most single parent families aren’t able to devote their time to their children because they are trying to provide financially for

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