Argumentative Essay On Mental Illnesses

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When I was in the hospital after my first suicide attempt, I remember profusely apologizing to my father from my hospital bed. He said to me, “It's not your fault. We wouldn't be mad at you if you had diabetes and needed insulin. We're going to help you.” He was referring to my brand new diagnosis of acute depression and generalized anxiety disorder along with my new medication to keep it under control. This is a positive effect of the recently developed societal attitude towards mental illness. Because of it, I was given choices about how to pursue treatment along with general kindness from everyone involved. This is different from how it might have been handled in the past, which is anger and shoving me out the hospital doors with strict …show more content…

One reason is that they are escaping a different mental illness or undesirable circumstances in reality. For example, “therian” are a group of people on the Internet who believe that they are reincarnations of some type of animal and experience behaviors and memories related to his or her “theriantype,” which is generally a version of the real and incredibly rare lycanthropy disorder. To restate an important point, it is impossible to determine which users are telling the truth about their circumstances, but there are some who openly admit to using this as a coping device for circumstances in his or her real life that are difficult. He or she is fully aware that he or she is not some sort of animal and has contact with a therapist. Unfortunately there are others with which that is not the case. It is difficult to find scholarly information on the issue because it is relatively new. Most of the research papers and study findings require payment to scholarly libraries to access. Because of this, unfortunately, most of the information about the issues come straight from those with the issues themselves rather than scientists studying the issues. Approximately one out of each 10 scholarly articles on the subject matter is free to …show more content…

J., Coll, P. G., O'Sullivan, G. (1985). Lycanthropy Lives On. The British Journal of Psychology. 147:201-202. doi:10.1192/bjp.147.2.201 or

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