Argumentative Essay On Hera

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There are many gods and goddesses, but only one can be the queen. Hera, also known as Juno in her Roman form, was the goddess of marriage, women, and birth (Facts, Pg. 2,3). The daughter of Cronus and Rhea, had five siblings: Demeter, Hestia, Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus (Facts, Pg. 3 and Olympian Gods, Pg. 2). Hera became the Queen of the Gods after she married her brother, Zeus, who was the ruler of the gods. Together, they had five children: Ares, Eileithyia, Eris, Hebe, and Hephaestus (Hera, Pg. 1,2). Hera’s life was overtaken with her revenge against Zeus and her jealousy towards her husband’s many lovers.
Hera’s relationship with Zeus was not the finest. Zeus had fallen in love with Hera, and after many attempts to court her, he decided to trick her. The god made himself into a cuckoo bird and acted like he was paralyzed by the chilly air. Feeling sorry for the bird, Hera held it to her body in attempts to warm it up. Changing back into his godly form, Zeus came upon Hera and raped her. Wanting to cover up what Zeus had done to her, Hera agreed to marry him. However, she wanted revenge on Zeus, and tried to overthrow his ruling. She and the other gods and …show more content…

Being a very jealous woman, she tortured many of his mistresses for their relationships with him (Hera, Pg. 3). Two of these women were Callisto and Semele. Callisto was a follower of Artemis, and being one of Artemis’ followers requires one to stay a virgin. Knowing she would not accept him as a lover, Zeus came to her in the form of Artemis. Transforming back into himself, Zeus then took advantage of Callisto. Artemis soon kicked Callisto out after discovering she was pregnant with Zeus’ child. Hera took this as her chance to torture Callisto. The goddess turned Callisto into a bear. Callisto, in the form of a bear, died when she was hunted by Artemis. Feeling sorry for Callisto, Zeus turned her into the constellation Ursa Major (Lee, Pg.

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