Handy Manny is an animated children’s television show that was first aired on September 16, 2006 as originally part of Disney channel’s playhouse and aired its final episode on February 14, 3013. The show is about a handyman named Manny Garcia who goes on fixing adventures with his helpful talking tools, who make repairs and fix problems in a fictional small town of sheetrock hills. Each episode of Handy Manny lasted for 30 minutes, which was enough to keep my interested, as well as my little sister’s attention whom I also watched it with. Due to the show being on Disney Junior, the commercials are kept very short and to the point. The commercials are very appropriate, which talks about upcoming shows and what kids should look forward to. From what I remembered, most of the commercials had to do with Mickey Mouse club house and movies that were going to be showed the night off. Not …show more content…
only were the commercials appropriate, they were perfectly timed in about 8 minutes per commercial, as well as language appropriate words that target early elementary kids. Handy Manny is mainly targeted for toddlers and kindergarteners, but upper elementary kids could watch it as well because every episode has a learning purpose.
In every episode, there are two songs that are always played, which helps the elementary students with memorization because the two songs are catchy and cute. The storyline of the show is clever and teaches kids lessons on how to work together to come up with a plan and then executing the plan, as well as helping others out. The best part about this show is that the tools each have their own personalities and it is fun to see them interact with each other. The show portrays all different ethnic backgrounds and it teaches people that everyone can be friends. This show also helps kids learn a word or two in Spanish, what teamwork is and what it means to tell the truth. I believe this behavior will be installed into a child because although the child thinks he or she is watching the show for entertainment, they are learning behavioral skills, as well as Spanish words without knowing it because they are so invested in the
show. The language on this show is very much appropriate because it teachers basic Spanish words and phrases that exposes kids to Latin culture in a fun and non-racial manner. The characters on this show are very friendly to one another by using proper manner, which teaches kids to use proper manners. There is not a single inappropriate language or humor that would make an adult suspicious of this show. As an adult, this is one show that I can sit down and watch without wanting to shut the television off or fall asleep. Watching this show was very entertaining because every episode that I watched, I found myself learning new Spanish words. I would recommend this program for viewing because no matter what age you are; you could learn something from this show. Although this show would be too young for someone above upper elementary grade level, I still feel like they would benefit from it. For example, when I watched the show I found myself learning new words in Spanish that I never heard before. As I was watching this show I thought about how this show could be used in the classroom because it can be used to teach children about using appropriate language, manners, as well as team work. For example, if a teacher plans to teach a unit on culture or language, this show would be perfect because it gives children an exposure to the Spanish culture in a fun and exciting way. A child that is 4 to 7 years old should not get any more than 20 minutes of television each day. The reason for the 20 minutes is because in the classroom, the teacher teaches for 20 minutes, so the amount of television time should be equal to the amount of time that they are instructed in school. The child should have a limit of 2hrs per day, which can be broken down in 20 minute chunks, which would be 3 shows in one day, depending on the length of the show. Children 3 to 7 years should not exceed the 20-minute limit because they lose focus on what they are watching, which I believe will start rotting their brains because they are no longer watching for information, but instead blankly looking at the television.
I watched this movie a couple years ago, and I remember one of the arguments made was to make sure all the children were learning. One of the younger teachers had explained that the Mexican children needed more attention to catch up on their studies.
While reading “ Into the Wild” by Jon Krakauer, many opinions can be formed of Chris McCandless. One, in particular, was the author's opinion which he blatantly stated on page 85. He didn't think that Chris was some reckless foolish insane idiot. He believed that competent otherwise he wouldn't have lasted so long. I agree with Krakauer, things Chris did on this journey did not show signs of some careless person. Chris was just an adventurer looking to get away from the expectations society had of him to see the world for what it really was.
A child of abuse and neglect, Chris McCandless awed the world with his inspiring trip across the nation to find himself in Alaska. Leaving his well off life and his problematic family behind to be true to his ideas of life. His life impacted the people who knew him well and the strangers that drove him to his haven. When the story of this young man hitch hiking across the country broke ground, it made many people question if this boy was just crazy or did he really have a true understanding on the day to day live we were living and where we were going wrong. Although some critics have conceived the idea that Chris McCandless was just a crazed mad man with schizophrenia and the unachievable idea of true happiness. Many believe he was a new
There is so much that can be learned from the past. Especially from an event that was as catastrophic as this one. How does one person gain such a grip on so many people? How was he able to influence them to change their entire life’s to conform to what he wanted. Somehow he was able to get them to move to a completely new place and create a world all their (his) own. How does one person convince and force so many people that it was time for their life to end? How does he force them to kill themselves? So many questions that are still being answered to this day. There are plenty of movies and research done on this event but there is still a lot to learn.
Have you ever felt stuck? Wherever you are, it’s the absolute last place you want to be. In the book Into the Wild, Chris McCandless feels stuck just like the average everyday person may feel. Chris finds his escape plan to the situation and feels he will free himself by going off to the wild. I agree with the author that Chris McCandless wasn’t a crazy person, a sociopath, or an outcast because he got along with many people very well, but he did seem somewhat incompetent, even though he survived for quite some time.
...he gets them confused with the Spanish alphabet. Then we would go around the apartment getting familiar with everything and its' name. At first I was just tutoring Jesica, but then slowly members of her family where adding to the study group and soon everybody was trying to learn English. I didn't care because it was fun and I like the feeling of helping all of them learn something. Not only was I helping them, they begin to start helping me learn Spanish as well. It was sort of like I tell you and you tell me. They were always laughing at me because I spoke Spanish horribly and they thought that my accent was funny. It was funny to me that I know basically no Spanish and they knew no English but we were still able to communicate. That is an experience that I will never forget and I plan on tutoring them and they tutor me until I graduate college in May 2006.
The commercials states that Disney world has everything for everyone in the family. The advertisement shows the Dad playing golf, which is meant to appeal to the dads who watch the Simpsons. The commercial also shows the mom buying something at the gift shop, which is meant to appeal to the moms who watch the show. And finally the commercial shows the children going on the rides, which is meant to appeal to the kids who watch the show. Another commercial seen with The Simpsons is a commercial for a mini van.
Jake Olson is a blind long snapper for the University of Southern California Trojans. Jake was given a rare form of retinal cancer that took his sight as a child. Jake lost his left eye when he was 10 months old. The cancer forced doctors to remove his right eye when he was 12 years old. Playing for USC has been a lifelong dream for Jake and he never gave up that dream even after he became blind.
The Turn of the Screw by Henry James has been the cause of many debates about whether or not the ghosts are real, or if this is a case of a woman with psychological disturbances causing her to fabricate the ghosts. The story is told in the first person narrative by the governess and is told only through her thoughts and perceptions, which makes it difficult to be certain that anything she says or sees is reliable. It starts out to be a simple ghost story, but as the story unfolds it becomes obvious that the governess has jumps to conclusions and makes wild assumptions without proof and that the supposed ghosts are products of her mental instability which was brought on by her love of her employer
With the addition of some key pieces, Dallas’ defense could potentially manifest itself into a top unit this year. Coming off a putrid display in ’13 of getting bamboozled on weekly basis (enough to be one of the worst groups ever step foot on a 100-yard field) defensive coordinator Rod Marinelli was able to hold a suspect unit together in ‘14. Of course, we can credit the offense for controlling the tempo (due to a formidable running game) that mitigated the defense from being exposed, but attitude and execution went up a few steps in Marinelli’s first season running the defense.
I think many ways young children could acquire knowledge and watching these types of programming could be a way for them to learn. These types of shows intrigue young children and I believe that these shows have a lot to offer for young children. Commercial and public programming both has the same goals of promoting social-emotional to young children. They want to make sure children understand and manage their emotions the right way, develop social skills, how to share, learn about the past, and many more. In the show, Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood His pet fish died but his parent told him that it is okay to be sad but there are ways that he could feel better. They claim that asking questions, drawing, and doing something you enjoy doing will help. I believe that their goal in this episode was to understand and manage emotions because it introduces different ways children could deal with similar situations. These shows are also promoting social skills that are necessary for school and life. I believe that it is important for young children to watch these types of shows because they will acquire knowledge and at the same have fun
I grew up living on the coast of the Pacific Ocean between San Francisco and Half Moon Bay. I was walking distance to Lindamar Beach and a Bart train ride to Union Square in San Francisco. Every weekend, my extended family and I would go to Chinatown. This was one of my favorite activities growing up. Running down the street, looking for Golden Gate Fortune Cookie Factory, then later getting a bunch of Fun Snaps, miniature novelty fireworks that make a loud noise when thrown on the pavement. A few years later, my family and I relocated to the East Bay, specifically Antioch. With my Grandma, Aunt, and cousins still close by, we would constantly plan family trips to explore. For example, my family would go hiking at Muir Beach or camping at Lake
Our close family and friends are coming to watch Herndon Cheer this Wednesday and Saturday. She spoke to us about having her drive her home, but if it is also a possibility that we can drive her there on either both days or just one of them, that would be great.
The death of John Wright, to some, might seem tragic and unacceptable, but for one person in particular, Minnie Wright, it was beautiful and freeing. When you are oppressed and treated poorly your entire life, and your husband takes away everything that you hold dear, then something has to give. Can justice has been served in an unusual way? With the help of Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters, Minnie just might get away with serving up her slice of justice.
It had been years since I had woken up early on a Saturday morning to watch the “early bird” cartoons so when we were told to pick a show I knew what it would be, HEY ARNOLD! HEY ARNOLD! is played on NICKELODEON in the morning each day of the week. HEY ARNOLD! is a cartoon about a group of young kids that live in the city and go to school together. A similar theme that many kids can relate to. I used to watch this show as a kid and I knew that they still played it on KICKELODEON so I woke up at the same time that I used to watch it, 7:00 a.m., although it was not on until 8 a.m. it was okay. I sat down from 8 o’clock until 9 and watch two episodes of the show. When I thought about what commercials I would see I had a pretty good idea. Sitting down and watching them proved my ideas correct.