Argumentative Essay On Depression And Anxiety

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Depression and anxiety can be huge obstacles for many of us. Whether you’re struggling with mild depression and/or anxiety, or you feel buried by it, it can be challenging not only to discuss it with others, but finding a way out can seem nearly impossible. Luckily, things are changing, and more and more methods of treatment are being developed for depression, anxiety, and other mental health-related issues. What’s even more exciting is that people are starting to realize how helpful video games can be for those people who struggle with mood disorders or mental illness. That’s right, actual scientists and doctors are seeing medically beneficial reasons for people to play video games.

What a time to be alive, amirite?

But really, it’s amazing …show more content…

It can be exhausting to explain why you can’t just “cheer up” and that what you’re feeling is more than just “the blues”. Games that operate as actual representations of depression can not only help you better explain what you’re going through more effectively, but seeing your struggle recreated by someone you’ve never even met can help you feel less alone and better understood. Games that do a great job at this include Depression Quest–a choose your own adventure game that let’s you walk through the life of a depressed person–and Elude–a game that offers metaphorical representations of emotional …show more content…

Tomb Raider and Uncharted have always helped cheer me up. Though the overwhelming enemy aurges in uncharted and the newer tomb raider can make me feel anxious. I have found that these gaves give mw control when I feel like I dont have any.
SMoriak6 months ago
What 's funny is that one of the main reasons I don 't play MMORPGs is because of my social anxiety, in that I don 't want to let down other people and ruin their playing experience.
OutToLunch3 months ago
Funny, I have the same problem. It took a lot for me to join a group to do a mission, and by the time we were finished my neck was so tight and a headache was starting. It was a very stressful experience. However, I still play them.
Gr33dykitsune6 months ago
Undergarden on X-Box has been helpful in calming and resetting the anxiety meter before bed.

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