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Positive effects of technology on education
Positive effects of technology on education
Positive effects of technology on education
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Haya Alkhabbaz Professor Maslane English 1301 26 September 2015 Death by Technology How would it feel to watch people’s minds become more and more robotic like? Is the current generation’s set of brains slowly dissolving to mush? People may see social media as a way to share one’s life and look into what others may be up to but, social media can have a negative effect. For example, social media can distract away from school work or important mandatory tasks. Somehow, people start focusing on the latest Snapchat trend rather than an upcoming biology test. In addition, the Twitter chirps or the bell ring indicating a message are very likely cause people to become more fidgety. Not to mention, individuals may even start to forget what they were doing before taking a selfie. In conclusion, social media may cause …show more content…
procrastination, narcissism, and may even shorten ones attention span. Over the years, companies have come out with new devices that consumers somehow become compelled to purchase. For instance, every new IPhone has become a must have for the current generation. In addition to these new gadgets, the latest technology updates and apps have also occupied our minds. Why are some people so desperate to get their hands on these devices? How are people impacted by social media? One can argue that these devices have done us good but, most of the time people are negatively affected by some of the outcomes. First, it can be noted that social media is one of the biggest distractions of this age. As Nicholas Carr mentions: “When we’re constantly distracted and interrupted, as we tend to be online, our brains are unable to forge the strong and expansive neural connections that give depth and distinctiveness to our thinking.” (pg. 217). Sometimes, five minutes of checking a Twitter feed may lead to hours of scrolling into random suggestions. Media uses a manipulative way of causing people to press interesting suggestions to them to possibly make more profit as well as keep the audience captured on these apps and sites. Like Eli Pariser states: “Today’s Internet giants---Google, Facebook, Yahoo and Microsoft see the remarkable rise of available information as an opportunity.”(pg. 215). As a result of this, people start pushing away certain important assignments, goals, and mandatory tasks. Although students often procrastinate because of social media, there could be a solution to this problem. Knowing the right time and place to use social media can be crucial. This brings us to the next point, the fact that social media may affect the brain in a negative way. As Carr put it: “A growing body of scientific evidence suggests that the Net, with its constant distractions and interruptions, is also turning into scattered and superficial thinkers.” (pg. 217). Often times, the notification buzzing or the message ring can cause the human brain to be alerted almost immediately. Much like receptor’s in animals when called, humans become used to these certain sounds and become compelled to answer to them. Since people become so easily distracted, their attention turns from important things to responding to a Facebook message. In many cases, people have forgotten the tasks they were even doing before using social media. Soon enough, a person’s memory may also suffer from this process. Finally, social media is a huge outlet for narcissism.
Ever since selfies started trending, this generation started caring only about how their pictures turned out. People nowadays stop everything they may be doing to capture the perfect selfie. Selfie sticks were also recently created to add more to this silly picture. After this trend, many apps came out to edit and perfect ones selfie. Eventually, these apps may lead to over editing and maybe even towards younger people. Teens stop focusing on school work and more on how to keep their online audience entertained. In fact, it has become sort of a competition to see who has the lost Instagram followers or likes on our selfies. In summary, social media will have a negative effect despite the positive it may bring. The occasional use of social media use can lead to loss of thought, procrastination, and narcissism. Social media could probably never be completely cut out of the world. Thus, people need to manage their time better so they may have time to go onto social media after the important tasks. In other words, the use of media does not always have to be bad if one puts in mind the right
time. Work Cited: Carr, Nicholas. "Does the Internet Make You Dumber?" (n.d.): n. pag. Rpt. in The Blair Reader. By Laurie G. Kirszer. Ed. Stephan R. Mandell. 8th ed. Boston: Prentice Hall, 2011. 216-19. Print. Pariser, Eli. "When the Internet Thinks It Knows You." (n.d.): n. pag. Rpt. inThe Blair Reader. Ed. Laurie G. Kirszner. By Stephen R. Mandell. 8th ed. Boston: Prentice Hall, 2011. 214-16. Print.
They are just unaware if they do something that may go outside of social standards, especially if it's for a picture. Murphy reveals that selfie takers are insecure and are looking for validation from their peers; however their insecurities are masked over by their confidence. The higher number of likes they get, the more confident they feel. Murphy further states that more people are getting cosmetic surgery due to being discouraged when looking at their selfies but with all the applications that can be used to alter one’s features it isn't hard to feel that way. The apps can make your skin clear and teeth
Social media has affected people negatively because people depend on social media more than their brain .Which does not bring any benefit to them .Our society has come from being very social to antisocial over the years. Many people don 't interact with each other anymore .We search, post ,tweet and snap not even knowing who we are sharing are information with . In his article “Mind Over Mass Media ,” Steven Pinker writes about the amount of knowledge and power social media is taking away from our brains .College
How often do you see a group of friends taking a selfie at amusement parks, concerts or anywhere in public? This happens on a daily basis nowadays. According to Courtney Seiter, nearly 300 million Instagram photos had been tagged with the selfie label in 2015(The Psychology of Selfies: Why We Love Taking and Viewing Photos of Faces). In other words, this new selfie era has become so integrated in our culture that selfies are a normal action. The main appeal to selfies is the ability to exert a greater level of control on how others view us on social media.
Social media is a revolutionary way to connect to friends and family through a single app much like Facebook. Also allowing the public to be more informed on current events whether that would be an issue in today 's society all the way to a heartwarming story or a funny video. Although this sounds amazing and the fact that this type of news outlet is practically new. An issue arises that involves “fake news” and with that comes many opinions on what to do about it. I believe that people browsing these platforms should have a little bit of skepticism behind each story and if it the topic truly intrigues someone then they should look into the topic on a reliable resource before passing on the authors misinformation.
Social Media can affect chances for your college admission. Many colleges scan and search student profiles for any illegal activities or any evidence by students. On many surveys they say about 35% of college admission officers checked students social media to learn about them, up from 10%. 16% of the college admission officers found information that had a negative look on the student's admission chances. I think social media is bad for our society it's takes away time from the real life honestly but it's so addicting because it has what attracts people such as drama and mostly lies that people believe. Here is why social media is bad in a way, Children may endanger themselves by not understanding the public and viral nature of social networking
When you think about social media what do you think of. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or Vine. Well social media is more than that. Social media is not just Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Social media is any online website that lets you interact with other people, share photo and information and keeps you updated. Or do you think about how it’s made a positive or negative impact on today’s society. In my personal opinion I think social media has made both positive and negatives impacts on today’s society .Some of the negative impacts are cyberbullying and addiction, and the positive impacts are spreading the word and increasing business sales.
have been used throughout the past twenty years that have played a large role in society,
There has been controversy as to whether parents should limit the use of social media by teenagers. Teenagers feel that there is no need to limit the use of their social media networking, but on the other hand parents should feel the need to limit their use and also keep track of their teen’s social networking. Social media has allowed to be connected with their peers, teens who post positive status are more likely to be involved in extracurricular activities, and to many teens putting up “selfies” is a self confidence boost; however, too much social media can affect students GPA in school, cyber bulling can affect social health. Social media networks can give out personal information.
It can distract you from your family, work, and school work. It can distract you from special events and moments with your family. You can be so caught up in your sites you’re missing the most important events of your life. It can become an easy distraction from work and school work. Some people may just need to take a ‘break’ and then can get too caught up on social media that they will fail to return to their work. “Many companies have blocked social networks on their office Internet as addicted employees can distract themselves on such sites, instead of focusing on work” (Ta). For those that are in school, grades can begin to drop. Students procrastinate and will choose social media over writing that paper, doing their homework, or studying for a test. Spending too much time on social media can distract you from a certain task. Motivation slowly decreases the more social media is being used. Another big thing that social media distracts people from today is driving. Some people just can’t wait to post a status that they do it while driving. While doing this, it can cause many accidents. It is slowly taking over our
Most people think that social media is purely for enjoyment and has no lasting negative consequences, but in fact social media is the root of many problems. An article written by Sam Biddle titled “Facebook is Killing Friendships and Causing Fist Fights” states that 3 percent of adults and 8 percent of teens have gotten into physical altercations stemming from arguments online. In order to prevent problems in the lives of teenagers, it is the job of the parents to regulate and be involved with their children’s postings on social media.
The Selfie has been the norm since the beginning of the 21st century. Today, we feel the need to post "selfies" in order to garner likes and feel better about ourselves. I have been caught up in the selfie craze. I would consider Facebook, Instagram, and Tumblr to be some of my guilty pleasures, but I do realize that the more that I participate in selfie taking the more self absorbed I get. The new craze has been taking over both the younger and older generation, affecting them both positively and negatively. The “selfie” can raise confidence but it can also bring you down further than you already were. Some say that it is not good for you and some say that it will raise confidence and make you feel like beautiful person that you are, but one thing that we all know is that selfie culture is evolving.
Social media has nothing but negative effects on people’s minds. Social networking can become very addicting and people can get wrapped up in the drama and excitement of the cyber world. It would only improve our society today if social media never existed to our knowledge. Our society today feels so connected with social media that it interferes with our lives making every task even harder with the temptations.
Bhardwaj 1 Think of a time when people didn’t have technology and how they had to interact, whether it had been from writing letters to using telegraphs, communicating with people was hard to come by back then. Of course, times have changed and now technology has made it easier over the years, social media has become an essential part of our lives whether it be on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and many other websites. Nowadays, everybody is using it whether its companies using media to promote their products or even teachers tweeting out what last night’s homework was. Social media is a great tool that helps us connect with the world and communicate our ideas. Yet there are some people who believe that social media has a negative impact towards our society as they believe that people can get addicted to it, it causes them to get easily distracted, and many other dangers.
However, this can prove to be a huge problem for many persons especially students because the use of social media could have a negative effect on students’ academic performance. Some of the ways that social media can have a negative effect on academic performance are that social media can cause procrastination meaning students will spend time on Social media instead of getting their work done in a timely fashion. Also, social media can make students depressed which will surely have a negative on their academic performance. Furthermore, social media gives a wider form of plagiarism that will definitely have a negative effect on students’ academic
Most social networks make it possible for individuals to upload their entire life to a public profile. You’re not only sharing personal information with your friends but also the friends of your friends. Personal information spreads rapidly on a Social Networking Site than through a real-life network and sometimes provides more information than we would have thought. A social networking site is defined as a network of individuals related to each other based on a common interest or a real-life connection. The popularity of these sites introduces the use of a new and easy form of communication. People spend countless hours interacting with their ‘friends’ on these sites with the help of a ‘comment’ and a ‘like’ button.