Argumentative Essay: Is Torture Ever Justifiable?

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Justified Torture

Chance Adams


Is torture ever justifiable? At a mere glance the answer to this question may seem an easy question of morally. However it is my assertion that torture, although morally reprehensible, can be justified under extreme circumstances, but only when all other options have been exhausted. Before answering the question of whether or not torture can be justified, we need a better understanding of what torture is. Torture is defined as the act of inflicting severe pain on a person in order to forcefully cause them to divulge information of which they may otherwise be reluctant to reveal. The main objection to torture is the absolutist question of its morality. In other words how can one morally justify the act of harming an …show more content…

The other objecting argument is do the ends justify the means? What if even through torture no useful information is gained, or worse yet what if the individual tortured was innocent. These are reasonable arguments on the surface, they cannot solely justify the complete prohibition of torture. I in no way am saying that torture should be a legalized or unregulated common place method for extracting information; however as Michael Walzer’s utilitarian argument suggests, if torture isn’t prohibited the moral ramifications could be unfathomable, although as a last resort and in the interest of preventing a catastrophic event the usual prohibitions surrounding torture should be overridden (Walzer 1973). For example torturing a person for information related to a misdemeanor crime would not be justifiable. However if a terrorist was

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