Area 51 Conspiracy

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Area 51, also known as Homey Airport is a US Air Force base. It is located in nevada north of las vegas. It is also unknown what is kept inside because everything is top secret. However, it is most likely new aircrafts and technology for aircrafts. There is little information about the Air Force Base available so it is easy to spin any story one wishes to put online. Then one might look at the way many believe the conspiracy. One might also be interested to understand the process that goes through conspiracists mind that allows them to believe something that would normally seem ridiculous. There is little to no factual evidence that indicates there is alien activity that is linked to area 51. Still, there are plenty of people posting stories of encounter. One of the reasons people are intrigued by the area is the heavy security that keeps watch around the clock. It still a big leap to use that information of heavy security measures to say that there is alien testing, ufos, time travel
First of all, Boyd Bushman claimed to be a retired senior scientist that worked at Area 51. In the video he proceeded to reveal things that he said were kept secret at Area 51. First he showed photographs of alien space crafts and discussed where they came from. Then, he began to be more direct and saying aliens are real and on earth. He showed pictures that he claimed were actual extraterrestrials and giving a description, five feet tall, long fingers, no hair and big head. He talked about people he knew that worked at Area 51 and some experiences they had with extraterrestrials. He also claimed to have spoken directly to extraterrestrials. Boyd claimed they told him things like the name of their home planet, quintonium, and how long it takes them to travel to earth. He talks the technology of their spacecrafts. He explains that it is based on antigravity

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