The Existence of UFOs

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Do UFO's Exist or Not
For half a century the subject of UFO has been discussed by scientists, ecologists, politicians, and common people around the world. It seems paradoxical, but the main question of their discussion concerns existence or non-existence of UFO itself, so many people is not sure that the very subject of their debate really exists. I share the opinion of those who do not believe in UFO saying that this phenomenon has not been scientifically proved, and everything its adherents operates is conjecture and fantasy, and disconnected stories of those who allegedly have seen UFO are far from scientific explanation of the event.
On the one hand, the very name UFO, which stands for Unidentified Flying Object uncovers the truth. Eyewitnesses do not know what exactly they have seen. In most cases they cannot identify the object on the sky and call it UFO. It was proved that many such false “witnesses” see nothing but a plane or a planet on the sky. All of us know that UFO means, but we tend to forget that all that means is that the observers do not understand what they are looking at.
The scientists explain that atmospheric phenomena like sun dogs, storm phenomena like ball lightning and stratospheric discharge, astronomical phenomena like auroras, meteorite storms and bolloids are all things that many of common people are not familiar with. The use of man made objects like weather balloons, test aircraft, reentry vehicles from space not to mention practical jokes also deceive many people (Vallee, 1990). For instance, between 1950 and 1971, there were 14,813 sightings reported to authorities, and 10,625 of them (95%) have been identified and explained by natural phenomena or man-made influences. The fact that people do not know what something is that they see in the sky, does not automatically mean that there is an alien involved, and in fact it is obvious that most of the time it is a case of the observer simply not being informed about the world around them (Floyd, 1993).
Another important fact against trust to all evidence is that most people who “contacted” UFO had a loss of memory in the aftermath. These are cases in which a person reports some ostensibly paranormal experience outside the confines of a controlled, laboratory situation. These include “telepathic and precognitive impres...

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... difficult to identify by a common person, and that is why to explain unknown flying objects they invented the notion of UFO. In reality, except a small group of people, “ufologists”, any other institution on the governments level or independent scientific community cannot prove the facts of UFO existence based on the evidence provided by its “supporters”.

1. Bullard, Thomas Edward. UFO Abductions: The Measure of a Mystery. Vol. 1: Comparative Study of Abduction Reports. Bloomington, IND, 1987.
2. Floyd, E. Randall Ghost lights, and other enounters with the unknown. First Edition. Little Rock: August House Publishers, 1993.
3. National UFO reported Center. 2005, Available at:
4. Thompson, K. Angels and Aliens: UFOs and the Mythic Imagination, New York: Ballantine Books, 1990.
5. Thompson, R. Alien Identities. 2005, Available at:
6. Vallee, J. Confrontations: A Scientist's Search for Alien Contact, Ballantine Books, New York, 1990.

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