3.6 Density
The density was measured by using an electronic densitometer. This apparatus operate by using the Archimedes Principle, which states the apparent loss in weight of a body immersed in fluid, is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced (Orr et a.l, 2003). Figure 3.10: Free body diagram of Archimedes Principle of density determination
Figure 3.10 shows the free body diagram of Archimedes principle. The density of materials is defined as a ratio of mass per unit volume. The unit of density is kilogram per cubic meter (kgm-3). Density of the solids could be determined by the technique as referred as the apparent porosity and apparent density. The density is difference for different materials. The lighter products have lower value of density compare to the heavier product which have higher value of density. The formula for density is:
Where; W_d=weight of dried sample W_s=weight of suspended sample W_w=weight of wetted sample
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Figure 3.11 shows the Mettler Toledo density kit. This density kit use the Archimedes concept in determines the specimen density (Orr et al, 2003). Figure 3.11: Mettler Toledo density kit
3.7 Sample Preparation
The sample preparation is important to produce something that is representative to all specimens. The variation material properties will affect the preparation of sample. For example, the characteristic of material is important to move next step which is grinding and polishing.
3.7.1 Grinding
First, the sample need to label. Next, the water was applied and the flow was adjusted according to the amount of water used. The manuals fine grinding is performed by drawing the sample in one direction across the surface of the water on abrasive paper. The debris from the sample was washed and dried. The samples were ground from 600 to 2000 micron size of Silica Carbide paper. 3.7.2
I am doing this experiment to find the density of aluminum foil to see if it floats or sinks when placed in water. I hope to find how the density of aluminum foil changes when weight is added to the foil. I hypothesize that the boat will hold 20 pennies before sinking.
Theory of Water of Displacement: A volume of water was measured. A second volume of water was measured when the metal cylinder was added. The initial volume was subtracted from the second (total) volume to get the volume of the metal cylinder.
Based on our observations during the separation techniques and some speculation, we were able to identify eight components of our mixture: graphite from the filtration residue, Epsom salt from crystallization, water and acetic acid through distillation, red and orange dye, iron metal, marble chips, and sand.
But the grain size ranges between 3 μm to 6 μm, 3 μm to 8 μm and 4 μm to 9 μm for 4 mm, 6 mm and 8 mm plates respectively. Higher polygon pin face edges approach circular pin, this vanishes the pulse formation in stirring. This leads to distorted grains due to decrease in dynamic area or lack of sweeping between tool and material. Whereas a low number of polygon pin face edges generates higher dynamic area. This shows the coarse grains relatively. The grain size ranges between 5 μm to 7 μm, 6 μm to 8 μm and 7 μm to 9 μm for 4 mm, 6 mm and 8 mm plates
The form of Density is partitioned into three sections: A measures 1 - 23, B measures 18 - 40, A1 measures 41 - end. The first A section can be broken into two parts: Aa mm1-14 and Ab mm.15-23. The B section may be broken into two smaller parts, the first Ba from measures 24-29 and the second Bb from measures 32-36 with the omitted portions (mm. 29-32 and mm. 36-40) functioning as transitional material. The unmistakable return of A occurs in measure 41.
By doing this experiment, I can know the physical and chemical properties of these samples. After I get my results about the physical and chemical properties of these samples, I can compare my results with the information given by the past student and identify the 5 unknown samples, finding out which sample is which substance. Hypothesis = ==
concentrations of 10mM, 20mM and 40mM. What this finding tells us is that our manipulation
The method used was a standard method for compaction test using a 2.5kg rammer outlined in BS 1377-4: 1990.
Since the days of Aristotle, all substances have been classified into one of three physical states. A substance having a fixed volume and shape is a solid. A substance, which has a fixed volume but not a fixed shape, is a liquid; liquids assume the shape of their container but do not necessarily fill it. A substance having neither a fixed shape nor a fixed volume is a gas; gases assume both the shape and the volume of their container. The structures of gases, and their behavior, are simpler than the structures and behavior of the two condensed phases, the solids and the liquids
Much of what is known about the Earth can be learned from observing the other planets in our solar system. Every planet has a different mass and density. That means that planets create varied gravitational pulls on each other. By testing the effects of the Earth’s orbit on that of the other planets it becomes possible to estimate an overall density for the planet. Knowing the density of the Earth is extremely important to understanding it’s interior structure. Returning to ...
In experiment 5, we are learning about density and specific gravity in measurements. Density is measured by mass divided by volume in order to get the ratio of the mass of an object to its volume. Specific gravity, on the other hand, is the density of a substance divided by the density of water and will cancel out the units in order to get a unitless measurement. Mass and Volume can be measured in two different ways, first mass can be calculated by directly placing it on the triple beam scale directly, or by weighing the difference. Volume can be calculated by displacement in the graduated cylinder or by calculating its dimensions. In this experiment, the objectives were to calculate the density of a solid by measuring its mass and volume,
Density is how much mass is in a certain volume. You can calculate density by dividing mass by volume. Water's density depends on its temperature and salinity. Cold water with a high salinity is more dense than warm water with a low salinity.
The sample should be about the size of your thumbnail. Be sure to cut through every layer of the material so your sample is complete. Whenever possible, cut your sample from an existing hole or crack rather than creating a new one. Once the sample is free, immediately drop it into your airtight container or bag. Seal the container right away and wash the outside off with a damp paper towel. Wipe your knife and any other tools clean as well.
The concept of buoyancy states that the upward force of an object immersed inside a fluid is equal to the amount of weight of the fluid it has displaced. The concept is also known as the Archimedes’ principle. After the mathematician, inventor and physicist Archimedes discovered it(Buoyancy - Concept, How it works 2014).