Aqua Smith Character

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The main character’s name is “Aqua Smith”. She is a young female about 25 years old. She is slim, has long black hair and wear glasses. When growing up, she was the only child in her family. She currently lives in Chicago in the year 2047. The east and west coast of America is being taken over by the rising sea levels. Each year the North and South poles are slowing melting due to the rapid increase in global temperatures. As the world population is increasing, there is a demand for finding a natural resource to power the world in a cleaner way. Aqua was raised by a single mother and her name was Sonia. Aqua had a father in her life for a small period of time. His name is John and he was a navy captain. John was killed by a tsunami in the Pacific …show more content…

When growing up Aqua was very quiet and didn’t interact with a lot of people. She would interact with certain people, mainly towards her mom’s associates. She had a good childhood, but as a child she didn’t have a lot friends because she spends a lot of time towards education. When attending college her family home was destroyed by a massive flood. She called her mom to make sure she was safe, but they lost everything. Aqua and Sonia were very sad because the home contained her father’s belongings and precious family photos. After graduating, Aqua decided to work for the government and is employed in the environmental tech field. At work, she is aggressive and very involved in her projects. She spends long hours trying to find a way to prevent more rising water levels. She is very motivated to solve this issue because she lost her father and her childhood home due to the rising sea water. She does not interact with a lot of people because she is motivated by her work. She wants to save the world from destruction. When she is presenting certain project ideas or very important information to the top U.N officials. She is very passionate and speaks in a high aggressive tone when

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