Appearance And Physical Appearance

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Physical Appearance When we talk about caring for the physical appearance we are touching a subject that concerns us nearly all, because we have to recognize that appearance is our calling card, however you must be very careful to distinguish "concern" of "obsession”. When someone reaches the end of his attention only on their physical defects as well not have them, obsessing for improvement, this is a case of dysmorphic, a mental disorder that distorts the image we have of ourselves by an exaggerated fear of ugliness and affects the lives of thousands of people today. Dysmorphic symptoms, among others, can be highlighted: * Worrying too much and think constantly about body image. * Feeling ashamed and complex physical "defects”. * Questioning family or friends is known about how the alleged defect. * Going to dermatologists or plastic surgeons to correct what they dislike about physical appearance. * Try to hide the parts of the body or face defects. * Suffering in silence for appearance Performing restrictive diets without justification. *Preoccupation with food and weight for no apparent reason. *Preference for eating without company. *Sudden interest in learning recipes and prepare meals. *Use of laxatives or diuretics, or constant practice to control or lose weight fast. *Delay or absence of menstruation. *Misperception of their body. *Making exercise excessively. *Personal dissatisfaction constant. *Decreased social relations. *Improvement or worsening of academic or work performance. *Frequent mood swings.. The obsession with the pursuit of physical perfection, dissatisfaction with one's body, reached an intolerable limit. Images on marketing, advertising and the media ad nauseum invade us a... ... middle of paper ... ... The 17% of children with internet access hundreds of web pages that anorexia or bulimia is promoted. Behind links with names like 'Ana' for anorexia or 'Mia' for bulimia, teens are tricks to speed up the weight loss tips that do not work or are even dangerous to health. Currently, research is ongoing to improve the treatment of these disorders. The outlook is good; because today has specialists in eating behavior disorders increasingly experts to help diagnose more precocity. However, the best treatment is always prevention. Food rehabilitation is a very important measure in this regard, and to improve the treatment of these disorders. Patient organizations also play a leading role in this work, not only to help improve the quality of life of those affected, but to show the people, institutions and industry the importance of changing certain values.

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