Argumentative Essay On Eating Disorders

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Eating Disorder Many people think that they know all about eating disorders. They think that they already know all they need to know about them and that as long as your child or your friend or someone you care about doesn’t have it; you don’t have to worry about them. Well, how are you supposed to know when someone you love and care about has them if you don’t even know the basics about the eating disorders? Most of the times the person with the eating disorder was only trying to lose a couple pounds. However, the goal that was set turns into something more than just a couple of pounds and that person may go through extremes to try and get to that perfect body they have in mind. But the perfect body they have in mind is not perfect, not even close. It is a pure illusion in which teenagers are made to believe to be the definition of beauty. Did you know that in 2010/2011 official statistics stated that more than 6,500 children and teenagers were treated in hospitals for eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa? Anorexia is probably the most known and common eating disorders out there, along with bulimia. Anorexia is an eating disorder that makes people lose a lot more weight than is thought to be healthy for their age or height. The people who are diagnosed with it could have a fear of gaining weight and over exercise, diet, skip meals, or simply don’t eat at all in order to lose weight. Bulimia is most of the times together with anorexia because the person with it is also is trying to lose a lot of weight by not only starving but also purging. The person will most of the times over eat because their body is starving and afterwards the person will most likely feel guilty and most of the times that leads to the person throwing ... ... middle of paper ... .... I remember just telling myself that I had to get skinnier or else everyone was going to hate me and I would never have any more friends; that’s when I started developing many eating disorder, such as anorexia, bulimia, and binging. I never stopped and thought about what people actually liked about me, why were my friends my friends in the first place? That’s when I realized that the reason people liked me wasn’t because of my weight or how my body looked, it was because of the person I was. It was because I had a nice personality and I was someone they could talk to and hangout with, it never had to do with my weight; it was all in my head. That’s what I want teenagers to realize; nobody is going to care about what you weigh or how thin your body is, only you are. In the end, as long as you are healthy and nourished you should be happy just the way you are.

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