Appearance Activity: Appearance And Behavior

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Daily, the claimant gets up, gets dressed, feeds and walks his dog. He mostly just stays at home. He will spend time with the friend that he lives with. He will also watch television and clean. He says that he does not get hungry much and that he drinks shakes in order to keep his blood sugar stable. He says that he does not socialize often. He socializes daily, with the friend that he lives with. He socializes with his mother every two weeks. He sees his daughters once per week. He says that when he is socializing with these people, they talk. The claimant is responsible for the household cleaning, cooking and shopping. He affirms that he is capable of doing these tasks.


Appearance and Behavior

The claimant …show more content…

His mood was guarded, hostile and irritable. He asserts that he feels restless at the clinical interview. He says that he analyzes a lot. He describes his appetite as not good. He has lost 170 pounds because of diabetes. He no longer has feeling in his fingers and he has sores on his feet and experiences neuropathy in his feet. He has trouble staying asleep. He will often wake up at 1:30 AM and not be able to get back to sleep until 7:00 AM. During this time, he says that his mind races. In a 24 hour period, he reports sleeping five hours. Most of the time, emotionally, he feels sad, angry and irritated. He is also depressed due to his diabetes. He does not have crying spells. He gets down and depressed. He gets depressed due to his diabetes, experiencing lack of sensation, and having poor balance. When he gets depressed he is likely to just sit at home. He does not think of death excessively and would not say what he thinks of when he does think of death. He denies homicidal or suicidal ideations. He currently feels hopeless, helpless, full of guilt and worthless as he contends that he has lost his family. His energy levels are low. He has no sexual desire. He experiences mood swings that range from anxiety and nervousness to depression and anger. He does not recall a time where he had so much energy for a few days that he did not need sleep. He has gone one or two days with no sleep, when he “pushes” himself. During these …show more content…

He struggles with digit span recall and was unable to focus. He has trouble concentrating at work, as he is easily distracted, has difficulty multitasking and begins, but does not finish tasks due to getting sidetracked. Mental health issues that affect the claimant’s concentration include anxiety, depression and anger. The claimant has mood swings, a short temper and is impatient. The claimant is impaired in concentration.

Describe the claimant’s abilities and limitations in responding appropriately to supervisors and to coworkers in a work setting.

The claimant has had unsatisfactory work relationships. He gets irritated easily and is irritated by other people talking and when they say too much. He does not like when they give him too much direction. He has had unsatisfactory interpersonal relationships. His brother is bipolar. He is divorced and had conflict in his marriage. Mental illness impacts his relationships because he becomes argumentative. The claimant is impaired in interpersonal functioning. Describe the claimant’s abilities and limitations in responding appropriately to pressures in a work

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