Appearance And Appearance Essay

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For a lot of people physical appearance is an intricate part of a person’s sense of identity and a connection to their roots or even their personal religion. Appearance can also play a big role in the workplace. We will take a look into how companies can regulate appearance through dress codes, height/weight restrictions, and hair based on what is deemed “appropriate” and can this be successfully done without discriminating.
Formal regulations on appearance have been put in place by many companies for various reasons. One being, some jobs call employees to have direct interaction with customers and you only have one chance to make a good first impression. Certain physical attributes have been heavily associated with different stereotypes which can be hard for some people or customers to look past and not judge off appearance alone. For example, if you walk into a doctor 's office and the receptionist or nurse has five face piercings and tattoo sleeves that might scare the patient off because those things are not physical attributes we typically associate with medical professionals. If done properly regulations can help a company.
Regulations on appearance have become very popular and can vary from …show more content…

Uniforms can come with both positive and negative advantages. A positive advantage is additional advertising. Having employees work in a standard given uniform can create extra advertising when they go different places while still in their work clothes. Another benefit is uniforms can create a more professional look. Also depending on the company it can help the customers. For example, Target does a great job at this with their employee uniforms. Employees at Target wear a bright red polo with the store 's logo and a pair of khaki pants. They’re very simple be effective. Having a uniform in place allows for customers to find an associate easily if they assistance or want to get more information about a

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