Bipolor Disorder

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In today’s society there are many different psychological disorders that people face on a daily basis. Often times the individuals know they even have the disorder until someone else recognizes it. One particular disorder is the Bipolar disorder. It has many different classifications and definitions, symptoms, and treatments. It is very inportant to notice this disorder in its beginning stages so it can be controlled. The bipolar disorder has often been classified and defined by many different terms. Its been also known a manic depressive illness, characterized by extreme and disabling highs, considered to be mania, and low points, known as depression. It effects a considerable amount of Americans, which usually begins in adolescence or young adulthood and continues through life. Its been proved that many individuals who have this disorder experience multiple manic episodes, and even end their lives in suicide. The disorder is distinguished from Major Depressive Disorder by the presence of manic or hypomanic episodes. It comes from Schizoaffectice Disorder by the absence of psychotic symptoms, such as delusions, hallucination’s, during periods of stable mood. This disorder has a wide spectrum of disorders. One that includes in the spectrum is its beginning stage of Bipolar One. Bipolar One is characterized by a past of a least one manic episode, and usually depressive episodes. The next stage is Bipolar Two is characterized by the hypomanic episodes taking turns with depressive episodes. Cyclothymia is characterized by highs which satisfy some, but not completley all criteria for hypomania and lows which satisfy some but not all criteria for depression. The wide variety of symptoms include a distinct period of abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive or irritable mood, lasting at least one week or any duration if hospitalization if it becomes necessary. During the period of mood disturbance, three or more of the following symptoms have persisted, four if the mood is only irritable and have been present to a significant degree: inflated self-esteem or grandiosity, decreased need for sleep and only feels rested after only 3 hours of sleep. The symptoms also include the desire to be more talkative then usual or pressure to keep talking, flight of ideas or subjecti... ... middle of paper ... ineffective. In this treatment, electrodes are taped to your head. Then, while you're anesthetized and after you've received a muscle relaxant, a small amount of electrical current is passed through your brain for less than a second. This current produces a brain seizure, but because of the muscle relaxant your body remains calm. ECT profoundly affects brain metabolism and blood flow to various areas of the brain. But how that correlates to easing depression remains unknown. ECT works quickly usually showing a response after several treatments, generally within the first week and significantly lowers the risks of untreated depression, including suicide. People with bipolar disorder often don't recognize how impaired they are when experiencing a mood episode and how greatly the disorder is affecting their lives and the lives of others. Friends, family and primary care physicians are important in recognizing possible signs of bipolar disorder and urging the person to seek professional help. If a family member or friend shows the apparent signs of bipolar disorder, encourage that person to seek the care of a psychiatrist.

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