Ap Synthesis Essay Library

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It should be clear to anyone that the role of the library in modern society is changing. No longer is (free) adulthood education confined only to that knowledge which resides within the bound paper of a physical book - the internet has usurped the book from its throne. However, does this development make libraries obsolete, and if not, what are they to become? Some sources claim that libraries should simply be done away with, that their welcome has been overstayed - in contrast, though, many others argue that although their role may no longer be the one it was created for, libraries are still important to many people as a gathering place, and have become an access point to the internet, or even just a calm, undistracting environment in which to read. It is apparent by looking at a library’s schedule that it’s oftentimes bustling with activity. In Illinois, public libraries have forty seven events planned over a two week period (Source B) - many of which are group activities - community activities. Libraries sponsor a strong community with these activities, and with the decline in popularity of printed books, it would be beneficial for libraries to become even larger community centers - discussions and teaching abound! Perhaps, too, new technology can be introduced this way, allowing people to try out something …show more content…

While these individuals aren’t there for the books, they are utilizing the library’s available computers - a utility they cannot access anywhere else - or, at least, not charge free. In providing those computers (and thereby internet access), the library is providing for the parts of the community that would otherwise not be able to do a multitude of things - seeking jobs (as there are ever decreasing numbers advertised outside the internet), for one

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