Public Libraries Argument Essay

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Thesis Sources Counterclaim Public libraries are a staple of knowledge, with new technology being created daily, like e-books, public libraries are becoming more and more obsolete by the day. Are public libraries really all that necessary in today’s society? Public libraries should remain for years to come. Public libraries create an access point for people who seek knowledge to go, learn and communicate with each other. In Source B, we can see the many events that are set for people to come and watch or participate in. There are 47 events set up in two weeks, most of which are beneficial to our children because it teaches them about contributing to make the world a better place. Public libraries need to hold a spot in our communities because they are beneficial to everyone in one way or another. Source C provides information on who is using e-books, it states that a large part of our population is not using e-books because they don’t have access to them, so they use the library to get information and stay connected. If we were to take away the role a library plays in our current society then we would essentially be driving a huge spike through a large portion of the population residing in the United States. …show more content…

If we didn’t have libraries, then we would be shutting everyone who does not have access to the internet out, making it harder for them to keep tabs on what’s going on politically and socially. But libraries are not only about books and events, the internet plays a huge role in our world today, with everything being instantly uploaded online because of the wide access that people have to the internet. Things like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest have improved the quality of life for most who use them; keeping them up to date on the news and other important

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