Antonio's Love Analysis

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Antonio’s Love William Shakespeare created strong characters in the “Merchant of Venice”. A man named Antonio is homosexual; he is in love with another man name Bassanio. Shakespeare’s play presents Antonio’s depressing, yearning, and self-sacrificing personal feelings towards Bassanio. “Homosexuality became a fairly accepted part of the general culture” (Modes). During the Renaissance, the phrase “masculine love” was the “language for a male homosexual orientation” (Modes). Antonio’s friend Salarino never did mind that he is deeply in love with Bassanio. In the beginning of the play, Antonio is depressed because he knows that Bassanio does not return his affections and he is interested in a girl. For example, Antonio asked Bassanio “to …show more content…

When Solanio said that Antonio is in love, Antonio immediately denies. “Fie, Fie!” (I.i.47), he gave Solanio an exaggerating reply. He does not want anyone to know that he secretly likes Bassanio. It is the human nature. “You may downplay your emotions or act like you don’t care, because you don’t want to feel or look like a fool” (Firestone). After getting the financial help from Antonio, Bassanio leaves to go win Portia’s marriage. When Bassanio and Antonio said their farewells, Salarino saw Antonio’s reactions, “his eye being big with tears, turning his face, he put his hand behind him, and with affection wondrous sensible” (II.viii.47-48). He longs for Bassanio; “pray God Bassanio come to see me pay his debt, and then I care not” (III.iii.36) he wants to see Bassanio once again before his punishment. Once Antonio escaped his punishment, he encouraged Bassanio to give his marriage ring to the male law clerk. Even though Bassanio said no, the clerk left and Antonio still insists to give it away. He wanted Bassanio to himself. Although Antonio and Bassanio are not together, Antonio misses Bassanio. His friend Solanio even said, “I think he only loves the world for him” (II.viii.50). The only reason behind Antonio happiness is Bassanio. “The reason is because fulfillment doesn’t come from receiving love; the feeling of happiness and completion …show more content…

Although he failed to express his love to Bassanio, his sacrificing will never fail. For example, “my purse, my person, my extremest means lie all unlocked to your occasions” (I.i.140-141) Bassanio does not recognize that Antonio has fallen for him. This led Antonio sacrificing everything he has for Bassanio. “The greater personal sacrifice, the higher raking on the hierarchy of ‘true love’” (Ben-Zeév). For instance, Antonio made a risky decision. He is willing to put all his fortune depending on one cargo. If his cargo wreck, he is doomed. Besides, he agreed to negotiate with Shylock for Bassanio’s state, even though he hated Shylock with a passionate. “Self-sacrifice takes on a number of meaning, from giving everything and dedicating oneself solely to the relationship, through risking one’s life, to actual death” (Ben-Zeév). At the end, Antonio’s ship wrecked. He now must pay his life for the loans taken from Shylock. Love is strong; it makes one’s self willing to die for another. “Ture love doesn’t want anything in return, because there is nothing it needs” (Elkrief). For example, Antonio said “I’ll pay it presently with all my heart” (IV.i.272). His will is beyond what Bassanio can ask for because “if you love enough you are happy to make personal sacrifices” (Ben-Zeév). All Antonio’s sadness, longing, and sacrificing all conclude towards his love to Bassanio. Even though Bassanio does not like Antonio in that way, Antonio does not

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