William Shakespeare's Portrayal of Love in Romeo and Juliet

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William Shakespeare's Portrayal of Love in Romeo and Juliet

Shakespeare plays around with the concept of love immensely in this

play, the whole play revolves around the different types of love

apparent and the contrast between them. He does this by showing one

side of love next to a completely different one, for example he shows

the crude love for women's bodies on one scene and on the next scene

he would show the romantic true love between Romeo and Juliet, this

not only would exadurate and dramatise the type of love but makes the

play more interesting. Every character perceives love in a different

way, adding a clear contrast to Romeo and juliets first love.

The different types of love Shakespeare shows in this play can be

defined in to two categories: parental love and romantic love. The

parental love can be shown in the relationships between Romeo and his

friends and family and in the relationships between Juliet's family

and the nurse. The other type, the romantic love, includes the sexual

part, crude, unromantic, romantic love and spiritual loves such

relationships as the ones between Romeo and Rosaline and Romeo and


Shakespeare shows the type of love by using imagery, dramatic

presentation and developing characters either by what they say, how

they act and what others say about them. The first type of love shown

in the play is boyish, crude and violent love that Sampson and

Gregory, two capulet servents, have for women, this is very extreme

and sexual, not only to get the viewer or the reader's immediate

interest in the play but also to get a very different type of love to

contrast with loves later on experien...

... middle of paper ...


baggage, you tallow face".

This story is one off the greatest love stories ever written, although

some one might argue that it possibly also has more hate than any

other average story as well as love, it is the quote "loving hate"

that the play revolves around, the concept of hate is always close

when love is apparent. The play itself has indured for years, and many

recent films and novels have been based on the Shakespeare version

proving that one of the factors that make it such a brilliant piece of

writing is its power to still be relevant today, a modern audience

can, more than not, relate to the love and relationships in the play.

Finally the conclusion of the story is that in the love had beaten

hate at the end, even though a violent sacrifice had to made, the

biggestv sacrifice proves the r + j true love.

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