Antigone Reading Log

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Antigone Log 1


Chorus: the narrator's

Antigone: main character whose fate is to die young as she tries to revolt, wants to bury Polynices, although Creon has an opposing view

Haemon: fiance of Antigone

Ismene: sister of Antigone, follows Creon orders, careful

King Creon: king of Thebes, took over after Oedipus and his beloved sons died.

Queen Eurydice: queen of Thebes, destined to die

Oedipus: father of both Antigone and Ismene, also had two sons that were to be heirs to his throne and kingship

Eteocles: son of Oedipus, wanted to stay on the throne after Oedipus passing,

Polynices: son of Oedipus, .

Nurse: concerned with Antigone’s actions

Settings: Palace, Where Polynices rests and relaxes,

Conflicts: Antigone v. Nurse: the nurse is serious about not getting involved with romantic relationships when talking to Antigone but …show more content…

Nurse: concerned with Antigone’s actions and watches over her to make sure she is safe.

Settings: Palace, the house

Conflicts: Antigone v. Nurse: the nurse is serious about not getting involved with romantic relationships when talking to Antigone but Antigone doesn’t care and is messing with the Nurse

Antigone v. Ismene: Antigone wants to bury Polynices while Ismene wants her to listen to what Creon ordered which results in him decaying

Antigone v. Creon: Creon wants to keep Polynices unburied and rot while Antigone wants to bury her brother,

Individual v. Society: Antigone fights almost all of society to show an unjust law

Ismene v. Self: initially chooses to not help her sister, yet claims responsibility afterward because she knows what she did was wrong. She is torn between following her conscience or following the law that has been handed upon her

Inferences: There are no inferences because the play is

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