Anti-Abortion In The Mother By Gwendolyn Brooks

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In “The Mother”, Gwendolyn Brooks emphasizes her anti-abortion views through her emotional connections and past experiences with this very sensitive topic. This is a poem that seems to have been a gateway towards releasing feelings of guilt by a mother who has performed abortions and who has felt its direct impact as someone who believes that they are missing out this beautiful gift of motherhood through the absences of her children. Brooks begins by speaking directly to other mothers who have gone through abortions like herself and elaborates on the lasting effects this action will have on their lives, how they will never forget their “killed children” (line 11). She gives her readers a very disturbing visual of an innocent baby, having to be born, lifeless. Brooks tells the mother of the possibilities their children would have had as becoming things such as “singers and workers”, but never got the opportunity to even breathe in a single gasp of air. (line 4). …show more content…

She realizes the extent of damage her selfish actions have caused her late children, robbing them of “births” and “names” (line 16), elaborating on how they did not get to experience a single joyous moment nor worry a single day. She explains to them how although they are not with her, she hears their voices in the winds and is often reminded of them. It seems that she cannot find a remedy to rid the guilt she has been feeling so she can only confess and express her love for them, for partial

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