Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography: Healthcare Leadership Issues

Garnette McLaughlin, MBA, RHIA, CCS

Walden University

Annotated Bibliography: Healthcare Leadership Issues

The healthcare industry is undergoing a number of challenges which require strong organizational leadership skills. Researching both general leadership skills and issues relating specifically to the healthcare industry provides the foundation of knowledge needed by the healthcare administrator. Utilizing peer-reviewed academic sources assures a higher level of scholarship quality within the given field of study.


Anthony, D., Appari, A., & Johnson, M. (2014). Institutionalizing HIPAA compliance: Organizations and competing logics in U.S. health care. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 55(1), 108-124. doi: 10.1177/0022146513520431

Healthcare is a highly regulated industry, however, compliance with various regulations varies widely across the industry. The authors examine several factors to evaluate the impact of each factor on achieving compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). The factors examined include the use of dedicated compliance officers versus external consultants, the amount of state regulation, the saturation of acute care facilities in the surrounding area, and the competiveness of the market. The study was conducted using data collected by the Health Infroamtion and Management Systems Sociaty (HIMSS). The data set included both factual data types, such as facility size and location, and self-reported information, such as compliance status. The results showed that for-profit hospitals utilizing a dedicated compliance officer were more likely to achieve self-reported compliance with HIPAA.

The inf...

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...istency in policies from healthcare organization to healthcare organization. However, the recommendation to achieve magnet status does provide some concrete steps administrators can take to position their organization favorably with nurses. An additional limitation of this study is the methodology. The study was conducted using surveys. The authors did receive a limited response set, 459 responses were received. That presents issues when analyzing the impact of demographics on nurse satisfaction, as there may be very limited responses from specific demographics. The inherent recall bias associated with this type of survey provides another limitation. A final limitation is that the survey is a cross-section, providing perspective at one point in time. A longitudinal study may have different results, especially as it relates to the retention of nursing staff members.

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