Animal Testing

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Animal testing are experiments used on animal for scientific research. In 1981 Roger Sperry, David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel were awarded a Nobel Prize for research in brain function by studying monkeys. Roger W Sperry found out that nerves linking and both hemispheres of the brain could be tempered with, without causing any life threatening events. Many animals are very similar to humans and by studying the brains of monkeys Roger W Sperry made a huge discovery about the human brain for mankind. That led to more knowledge about the brain and it's many functions. With the continuous study on animal's, many discovers have been made with gathering information on known diseases and identified new ones such as Lung Cancer, Heart Disease/Stroke, Parkinson's Disease, Neurotic Factors and Hepatitis C. Animal research is a vital necessities for medical and scientific studies to keep advancing for the benefit of humans, but the disadvantage for the animal as they are paying the price and we receive the reward to continue provide for our kind. Our medical studies has advanced since the last plague and can prevent millions of people being killed can now be treated or prevented. Without the animal research these drugs would not have been researched to be developed and produced for human consumption. With our new technology and modern technology we have the ability to perform refined surgical procedures and the medical devices to operate in. Researching in animals has been a great benefit for animals themselves with lifesaving treatment for many domestic, wild and endangered species that prevented many severe diseases like rabies, anthrax, feline leukaemia, parvovirus and other severe diseases that animals can catch, is also harmful to cert...

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...e 2nd century they care more and have to obey laws by the government to protect that animals and to treat them as equal kind. Because without them our race would have died from a plague or would never of advanced in medical science then most of our race would die from sickness.

Works Cited

Scutti, Susan. "Animal Testing: A Long, Unpretty History."Medical Daily. June-July 2013. 09 Apr. 2014 .

Vanessa A. " Animal Testing." The Controversy in Animal Testing. N.p., July-Aug. 2013. Web. 13 Apr. 2014. .

Jarrett, Wendy. "Understanding Animal Research." Understanding Animal Research. Dec.-Jan. 2013. 13 Apr. 2014 .

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