Angular Momentum Lab

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Conservation of Angular Momentum Lab


Radial Distance (m) Mass (kg) Tangential Velocity (m/s) Angular Velocity (rad/s) Angular Momentum (m2/s)
1.85 0.32 2.32 1.26 0.745
1.40 0.45 1.76 1.26 0.79
1.00 0.63 1.26 1.26 0.63
0.80 0.7 1.01 1.26 0.60
0.60 0.6 0.754 1.26 0.529
0.40 0.5 0.503 1.26 0.40

Angular Momentum= Mass x Radius x Angular Velocity

1. Using the data you have gathered and your knowledge of the law of conservation of angular momentum explain the results for the angular momentum data column.
The angular momentum was different each time because the mass was different. If the mass was the same then the angular momentum would be the same because the law states that angular momentum will stay constant if in an

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