Analysis: Should To Kill A Mockingbird Be Taught In Schools?

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Should To Kill a Mockingbird be taught in schools? In my opinion, I agree that To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee should be taught in schools. It should be taught for a variety of reasons, some in which the article we read covered and some it did not. I think it should be taught in schools because it tells us real life examples of what our history used to be like and the book could also teach all of us a lesson in life. Some points in the article we read that I will be talking about is what the book is about, how it is important for American history, and finally why I disagree with the statement of only adults should be able to read this. My first thing I am going to talk about from the article is how the book is about discrimination, …show more content…

In my opinion anybody could read this book if they wanted to. This is a great informative book on what our society used to be like. Sure, there are some parts that are not appropriate for little children but eventually everybody will need to learn about what our history used to be like. There are a lot of racist words and explicit words that some parents probably would not want their kids reading, but to be honest, they will find them out eventually. This book gives great examples of how people used to be treated back then and also some great examples on how others should treat somebody. I am going to stay with my thought that this book should be taught in every school even though there is some bad language in it. “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view… Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it.” This quote is from Atticus. I chose this one because it represents how some people look at different people and how they can treat a person with complete respect or treat them like complete dirt. (30). In conclusion, there are multiple different reasons why this book should be taught in schools. We did not cover all them, in fact this paper could be turned into a book on all the reasons why everybody should read this book in schools. Many people disagree with my opinion, but it is a great example of our history and a great example of how people should treat others with

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