Analysis Of The WRAT4 Spelling Subtest (Blue Form

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The Wide Range Achievement Test 4 (WRAT4) Spelling Subtest (blue form)
The spelling subtest of the WRAT4 assesses an individual’s ability to spell single words through encoding sounds into written form under untimed conditions. Single words of increasing difficulty are dictated, followed by the word in the context of a sentence.
LD’s standard score was 78 (well below average/low range). A persisting difficulty with spelling is typical of a dyslexic individual and LD had previously indicated a particular concern with his spelling ability. His knowledge of spelling rules was not secure. Although LD was able, in many instances, to provide phonetically plausible alternatives, several of the words were unrecognisable. The majority of errors were sounds that were missing, misheard or mis-sequenced.

Overall Spelling Summary
LD’s performance indicated that spelling was a far from automatic process. The type and frequency of LD’s spelling errors are consistent with an SpLD, dyslexia. LD’s lack of knowledge of spelling conventions suggests that there is an underlying difficulty with a weakness in visual memory which will make spelling skills much more difficult to master.

Writing …show more content…

The optional graphic speed sub test is designed to be a pure measure of perceptual motor competence uncontaminated by anything related to language. This test is useful because results may highlight weaknesses in speed due to the mechanical aspects of

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