Analysis Of The Social Judgement Theory And The Expectancy Violations Theory

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What happens when things don’t go as planned? What do we do when our beliefs are challenged? Do we hold true to our values or can we be persuaded to change our views? That is what we will discuss over the next few pages using the Social Judgement Theory (Griffin, Ledbetter, Sparks, 2015) and the Expectancy Violation Theory (Griffin, Ledbetter, Sparks, 2015). With the Social Judgement Theory; we take messages we hear and place them on an attitude scale in our mind. Our reading used the example of a man’s fear of flying and how someone might try to alleviate that fear. I personally know where this man is coming from; as I prefer not to fly unless it is necessary. This fear comes from seeing a plane crash personally and having to deal with the aftermath as a first responder. This theory goes into more detail of the message received by looking at how much does the person care and judging the message for content to decide if there should be a change or not. This theory rings true in one aspect in my life where there was a perceived feeling that changed to some degree after a learned experience. Before 9/11 I had never known too many Muslims or experienced their way of life. After those tradjic events my perspective on Muslims was dim. I saw them as killers and hateful people. This perspective of …show more content…

Specifically it looks at the prosed distances of intimate, personal, social and public distances that have been established. What do we do when a person violates them? Do we allow them to or do we react negatively? This theory tells us how we should react with regard of how we feel towards the person that is the subject in question. Our reading gives examples where sometimes the theory worked and others it didn’t. This failures were exampled by extenuating circumstances that led the receiver to view the person differently than what the theory might suggest should

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